‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! It’s that time again! Spoiler season has come to an end and I’m going to break down my Top 10 picks from the set.

As always, these are my personal picks i.e. these aren’t necessarily the “best cards” from the set, just a few cards that tickle my fancy for one reason or another.

In no particular order:

[scryimg] Thrill of Possibility [/scryimg]

Thrill of Possibility. The card is simply an upgraded instant speed version of Tormenting Voice. In Commander we already have Faithless Looting, Tormenting Voice, Wild Guess, and Cathartic Reunion and now this. It’s just another way for red mages to sculpt their fiery hand.

[scryimg] Realm-Cloaked Giant [/scryimg] [scryimg] Murderous Rider [/scryimg]

Realm Cloaked Giant. On the list because of it’s role in Standard (even if Cleansing Nova isn’t being played right now). There seems to always be a 5 CMC spell with a Wrath of God effect in Standard; End Hostilities, Planar Outburst, Fumigate, and the aforementioned Cleansing Nova which is now being replaced with this. Murderous Rider also on the list for the same reason: it’s role in Standard. Part of a long legacy of cards such as Hero’s Downfall, Ruinous Path, Never//Return, and now this.

[scryimg] Charming Prince [/scryimg]

Charming Prince. I know, this is obviously a great card and automatic top pick but I feel like if I didn’t mention it I’d get crucified. Obviously Modern playable in Humans as well as in Legacy D&T. I kind of like the idea of it in D&T because it reduces that awkward decision to tick Vial up to 3 and it allows the creature package to be more 2 CMC streamline. The deck would still play Recruiter of the Guard, Sanctum Prelate, and some number of Flickerwisps still just because Flickerwisp is so incredibly versatile.

[scryimg] Hushbringer [/scryimg]

Hushbringer. Oh Hushbringer ❤️ I knew I loved you ever since the moment I saw you. Maybe it’s the way the sun reflects off your lush lips as you gently press your index finger to them gesturing for my opponent’s creatures to STFU or maybe it’s that creepy hula hoop of floating lips that circles your waist line like something in a Hannibal Lecter dream. Whatever it is, I’m under your spell. Okay, so I’m a crazy Burn player who has played cards like Stony Silence in my sideboard to fight Affinity and I know what some of you might be thinking, “bUt StOnY siLenCe DoEsN’t DeAl DaMaGe.” It doesn’t need to when it just straight wins you the games some times if they don’t have a way to remove it. Anyways, this is a card like Stony Silence in that I could see myself playing depending on the meta. If Eldrazi Tron gets out of hand then: shut up and just die Matter Reshaper and no looking at my hand Thought-Knot Seer. MY SECRETS! Unlike Tocatli Honor Guard, Hushbringer flies AND has lifelink so it won’t just be sitting their waiting to eat a Lightning Bolt. It stops the Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry combo. Shuts off SFM. Pipe down Snapcaster Mage, that’s enough out of you. My cards Kitesail Freebooter, no touchy. Stops Modular in Affinity. And totally poops on Devoted Druid combo. AND THAT’S JUST IN MODERN ALONE!!! Oh, and I love the art because everyone hates it. Even if everyone liked it I’d still like it because it reminds me of some trippy alternative surrealistic 80’s goth rock album cover artwork 🙂

[scryimg] The Magic Mirror [/scryimg] [scryimg] The Cauldron of Eternity [/scryimg] [scryimg] the great henge [/scryimg] [scryimg] Embercleave [/scryimg] [scryimg] The Circle of Loyalty [/scryimg]

The Magic Mirror, The Cauldron of Eternity, The Great Henge, Embercleave, and The Circle of Loyalty. It’s a three-way tie for first place with Embercleave in second and The Circle bringing up the rear. The Mirror is an obvious bomb in Ux decks in Commander for anyone wanting to draw all the card or sling a bunch of spells and Talrand players are peeing themselves a little right now. The Cauldron I feel has the most combo potential in Commander, Legacy, and Modern. It’s big, dumb, and flashy enough that it might actually be as busted as the Magical Christmas Land scenarios we could see it being in… The Great Henge is an amazing value generator in Gx Commander decks by doing 4 things for what could be as little as GG at times. Embercleave might see some play in some cheeky equipment decks and voltron Commander decks. Last of the five is The Circle because it’s too narrow. Still good, just kinda too narrow.

[scryimg] Fae of Wishes [/scryimg]

Fae of Wishes. Doesn’t need much explanation. It’s an instant/sorcery Wish stapled to a Faerie. It might find it’s place in Legacy and Modern (not sure where yet) and could find a home in some tri-color Standard deck w/ a silver bullet sideboard.

[scryimg] Once Upon a Time [/scryimg]

Once Upon a Time. The combo potential for this is potent. I feel like this was made to be broken specifically with eternal formats in mind. Tron actually gets a new toy, not other decks getting new tech to hate on Tron with for a change.

[scryimg] Stormfist Crusader [/scryimg]

Stormfist Crusader. Oh baby, this little Rakdos Grizzly Bear is aggressive. Nice stats, evasion, and draws you cards. I think if we had better mana fixing after rotation (rather than just Blood Crypt in Standard) to support a super low to the ground aggressive RB deck, this would be a key card. The key to offsetting the drawback of letting your opponent draw cards is to just be faster than them and run them over before they are able to do anything meaningful with them. That’s the only way I feel you could beat the symmetrical effect of this aggressive little card. Could also make some cheeky combo with Narset? 🤔

[scryimg] Mystic Sanctuary [/scryimg]

Mystic Sanctuary. Best Pauper card in the set (imo). It’s a Mnemonic Wall/Archaeomancer but in land form that puts the instant or sorcery on top of library (kind of a downside) but here is the thing: IT’S FETCHABLE!!! That’s the craziest part that makes me think it might be playable in Modern. It’s late game and a Goyf is about to kill you and you need a second Fatal Push to save you from dying but you’re flooding out? Crack a Polluted Delta and put your Push back on top of your deck. Aside from that, Mono-U Delver in Pauper is going to love this.

[scryimg] Questing Beast [/scryimg]

And lastly, the 4/4 green planeswalker killing beast (literally, it’s a legendary beast…): Questing Beast. It has so many keywords and abilities you have to use a magnifying glass to read it all. This thing is obviously super powerful. Honestly, in terms of raw power and sheer value I think it’s the best card in the set. It just seems hella pushed and I’m honestly considering playing Mono-Green Aggro instead of Mono-Red Calamity in Standard come rotation.

Honorable Mentions:

[scryimg] Wishclaw Talisman [/scryimg] [scryimg] Happily Ever After [/scryimg] [scryimg] Witchs Vengeance [/scryimg] [scryimg] The Royal Scions [/scryimg]

Wishclaw Talisman and Happily Ever After because they are cheeky fun Johnny cards. Witch’s Vengeance in people’s sideboards (hates on Modern Humans HARD). The Royal Scions are amazing value for a 3 CMC walker(s) .The ult is meh, but both +1’s are awesome depending on what shell they’re in.

Welp, that’s all for today folks! Thanks for tuning and listening to my nonsensical ramblings 😜🤗

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

Categories: Mad Magic