We currently offer free shipping on all domestic (USA and Puerto Rico) orders as long as your subtotal is over $50. For Canadian orders, your subtotal must be over USD$65.

Absolutely! If you have any issues, please contact us directly and confirm that we can ship to your location before ordering.

Orders are fulfilled to ship Monday through Friday, and are typically within processed within two (2) business days of your order. Orders placed after 2pm EST on Friday, over the weekend, or on a holiday will be fulfilled within the following two (2) business days. Please note however those times may be extended during holiday months/busy season. If that is the case, we will absolutely inform you.

All orders shipped via USPS First-Class Mail (Ground Advantage) is guaranteed delivery within the continental United States in 1-5 business days. For USPS Priority Mail, the delivery time is 1-3 business days. Our USPS Variable Rate option will provide an alternative cost, which may or may not be the best available price and will either be Ground Advantage or Priority Mail.

Your tracking number will be included in an email sent once the shipping label has been created.

Carriers usually take 24-48 hours to process shipments in their system. So the order may actually be on it's way prior to the tracking log reflecting this. USPS domestic shipping ranges from 2-5 business days. UPS domestic shipping ranges from 1-5 business days.

However, carriers do have a tendency to forget scanning the package when it arrives at their facility before shipping. If the tracking page still doesn't update after a few days, feel free to reach out to us at so we can investigate!

All shipping labels are automatically generated and can only be changed if we are notified within 30 minutes after the order has been placed. If the wrong shipping address is provided, the customer will be responsible for paying any additional shipping fees to reship the order. We are not responsible for customers inputting the wrong shipping address on their order.