Steel Leaf Champion by Chris Rahn

‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! In today’s article, I’m looking at one of my favorite archetypes of all time: Mono-Green Aggro. It is the epitome of beatdown and I’m really excited to talk about it. But first, humor me and gather around for a little story…

So believe it or not, back in RTR/Theros Standard I actually played a deck that didn’t have red in it! *GASPS!* I know, freaky huh? Yep, well anyways I played Jason Lange’s Mono-Green Aggro list (after I watched that exact deck tech that I linked actually). And boy let me tell you, flashing in Boon Satyr and Burning-Tree Emissary‘ing into Brushstriders was some good fun. I rode that out until rotation, cried a little, and kept the deck intact just for fun casual games until I discovered someone had ported it over to Modern 😍 And oooh mama! We got Strangleroot Geist, Vines of Vastwood, Dismember, and big daddy Leatherback Baloth! Best of all: Aspect of Hydra ❤️ I went on to play this deck clear into Eldrazi Winter. I recall adapting to the meta by adopting 2x copies of Wasteland Viper in the sideboard in order to trade with the Eldrazi titans at the time. There is something so pure and simple about playing basic lands (no fetching and shuffling) and just beating your opponent to death with big dumb undercosted green creatures. Unfortunately, I eventually grew bored with the deck and turned my focus towards Naya Burn at the time because it had a better sideboard and did better in games 2 and 3. But now, after a three-year hiatus, I return to Mono-Green Aggro! But this time in Pioneer! 🤗

Since I’ve been gone the Modern version of the deck got new toys such as Hexdrinker (scary 1-drop), Steel Leaf Champion (upgraded Leatherback Baloth), Pelt Collector (upgraded Experiment One), and Nurturing Peatland (helps shore up the mana flood issue). Well, luckily most of the upgrades MGA got in Modern also transfer to Pioneer! Here is a sample list that recently 5-0’ed a Pioneer League:

The only changes I would make to the list above would be to swap Epic Confrontation for Prey Upon (more mana efficient), switch Return to Nature to Reclamation Sage (does the same thing essentially and you’re left with a 2/1 body that adds one G to your devotion), and obviously find a replacement for Veil of Summer now that it’s banned.

Card Choices/Discussion:

[scryimg] dryad militant [/scryimg]

Dryad Militant

In Modern she really shines as a main deck Gifts Storm hoser. But in Pioneer I’m not sure how relevant her static ability will be. She’s a thorn in delve spell’s side for sure but it’s not like she is straight dumpstering Past in Flames or Conflegrates the way she does in Modern. I’m sure there will come a time in the future where she is needed but for now, I feel like there are better options.

[scryimg] kessig prowler [/scryimg]

Kessig Prowler

Like Dryad Militant, the Prowler is a 2/1 that will evolve both Experiment One and Pelt Collector (if they aren’t already 2/2’s or bigger) but what I love most about Kessig Prowler is it’s a mana sink! It gives you something to do with your mana late game if you play it in the early turns and is a great top deck if you have the mana for its ability. Best of all it’s ability can be activated at instant speed which is awesome because you can use it as a bluff (touch your lands as they are picking their blockers to psych them out) or if they don’t respect the mutant puppy and flip it for extra damage. In a vacuum, I prefer Kessig Prowler over Dryad Militant.

[scryimg] experiment one [/scryimg]

Experiment One

Exp1 was a mainstay in Modern MGA until Pelt Collector started hoggin’ all the spotlight and Hexdrinker completely pushed Exp1 off the stage. Exp1 does have the ability to regenerate itself but it usually eats early removal before it can but in Pioneer we will gladly take it because he’s a sticky threat.

[scryimg] pelt collector [/scryimg]

Pelt Collector

Mentioned before, it’s basically a better *not strictly better* version of Exp1. The Modern version prefers it and so shall we.

[scryimg] avatar of the resolute [/scryimg]

Avatar of the Resolute

Already a cornerstone in the Modern version and is just as good in the Pioneer version. As if an above curve 3/2 with trample wasn’t enough, tack on some random reach and the ability to get extra +1/+1 counters if your other dudes are already swole. Easily one of the best cards in this deck, hands down.

[scryimg] barkhide troll [/scryimg]

Barkhide Troll

A newcomer to the archetype but warmly welcomed. Essentially a Kalonian Tusker with a one-time hexproof, if you have the one mana available. “Impressive, very nice.” – Patrick Bateman

[scryimg] scavenging ooze [/scryimg]

Scavenging Ooze

It’s grave hate, it grows, it’s a mana sink, and it’s a Grizzly Bears at worst if it eats a Lightning Bolt Strike after it resolves. This little guy (or gal?) puts in serious work and can take over a game if your opponent can’t find removal for it in time.

[scryimg] steel leaf champion [/scryimg]

Steel Leaf Champion

Back in the day, I thought Leatherback Baloth was the most busted thing you could spend three mana on. *In comes Steal Leaf Champ* Welp, it was nice knowing you. Hello, 5/4 with evasion for the same price! It supplanted ol’ Leatherback in the Modern version and we get to play it in Pioneer.

[scryimg] aspect of hydra [/scryimg]

Aspect of Hydra

Arguably the best card in the deck. It has single-handedly won me more games out of nowhere than any other card (Temur Battle Rage and Deflecting Palm come close…). In a deck that is looking to punch your opponent’s lights out by turn 4 or 5, this is usually the card that finishes the game. You’re typically casting this thing for +5/+5 or +6/+6, but I’ve had times where I’ve cast Aspect for as much as +8/+8 or +9/+9! The card has a soft ceiling and a lot of potential.

[scryimg] blooming defense [/scryimg]

Blossoming Defense

Ask any Modern Infect player and they will tell you how good this card is. It’s pump and protecting all in one for the low price of one mana. The only way you could make it better is by making it cost one Phyrexian green mana. Wait, hold on… *angry mob knocking at my door* 😨 Send haaalp! I was just kiddin’!

[scryimg] forest [/scryimg]


Broken land. Comes into play UNTAPPED! You can use it immediately. Can’t be turned into a 3/3 elk! 100% getting banned on Monday. OP GG.

[scryimg] hashep oasis [/scryimg]

Hashep Oasis

Although it doesn’t cantrip the way Nurturing Peatland does in the Modern version it at least gives you something to dump your mana into late-game if you start to flood out.

[scryimg] pithing need [/scryimg]

Pithing Needle

Being a mono-colored deck there will be certain permanents that will be difficult to deal with. Namely, planeswalkers. You can bring it in as additional hate against Hangarback Walker, Steel Overseer, and Walking Ballista.

[scryimg] epic confrontation [/scryimg] [scryimg] prey upon [/scryimg]

Epic Confrontation/Prey Upon

Both fill the role of removal when you need it. I prefer Prey Upon, as I’ve once heard someone refer to it as the “green Path to Exile” for this deck. When your 2-drop is a 3/3 you’re going to be able to kill whatever dude your opponent played turn 1 or 2 most of the time for only one green mana without losing your dude. There will be times where the +1/+2 is nice or simply required in order to kill a bigger dude but I’d just rather play Wasteland Viper again if that’s the case.

[scryimg] feed the clan [/scryimg] [scryimg] nyleas disciple [/scryimg]

Feed the Clan/Nylea’s Disciple

Both are anti-Burn tech. As much as I like instant speed gain 5 life (or 10 life if Ferocious is online) I think I like the idea of paying a little more and getting a 3/3 for my troubles. Not to mention Nylea’s Disciple adds GG to your devotion in the process. I think Pioneer is slow enough that you won’t be dead by turn 4 and can actually cast her for a decent amount of life gain.

[scryimg] sentinal totem [/scryimg] [scryimg] tormods crypt [/scryimg] [scryimg] silent gravestone [/scryimg]

Sentinal Totem/Tormod’s Crypt/Silent Gravestone

Oh, how I wish we just had good cantripping universal grave hate like Relic of Progenitus. But ayyy, what can ya’ do? Tormod’s Crypt is a classic, you can’t get any cheaper than free (I guess it could add mana to your pool when it ETBs *angry mob knocking at the door again*). Sentinal Totem is growing on me. For one mana that scry 1 is pretty nice and you can use it immediately like Tormod’s Crypt. Silent Gravestone does replace itself but at the high price of four mana, oof! That’s a hard no bud.

[scryimg] rangers guile [/scryimg] [scryimg] display of dominance [/scryimg]

Ranger’s Guile/Display of Dominance

Now with Veil of Summer being banned, it’s hard to say what will take its place. There isn’t anything in green that stops a Thoughtseize that I know of but both Ranger’s Guile and Display of Dominance stop your opponent from either Doom Blade‘ing or “Elking” your dude (for a turn at least… 🤷🏻‍♀️) Also with Display, you can just straight blow up Oko if you want.

[scryimg] reclamation sage [/scryimg]

Reclamation Sage (and Naturalize effects)

There are a TON of artifact or enchantment removal spells to choose from but as I’ve already expressed, I’m a fan of Reclamation Sage in this particular deck as it provides a 2/1 body and adds one G to your devotion. Broken Bond ramps you, Natural State is the most mana efficient option but can’t kill Marvel, and hell; there is even Slice in Twain if you want your Naturalizes to replace themselves (kind of expensive though…).

Flex Spots:

Rhonas, the Indomitable is a very scary three mana 5/5 that you can sink mana into late-game. Bow of Nylea is kind of a cool Swiss Army knife. Verdurous Gearhulk is a dollar really? Man, this thing has seen it’s ups and downs. Makes your following Avatars better or just play it as a five mana 8/8 and evolve all your Pelt Collectors and Exp1s. Questing Beast is probably just the best creature on this flex list honestly. Whisperwood Elemental is card advantage on a 4/4 body while adding GG to you’re devotion. In long, grindy games when both players are in topdeck mode this card will pull you ahead. Shapers’ Sanctuary is a solid consideration if your dudes keep dying to endless removal. Ripjaw Raptor is decent a four mana 4/5 that your opponent doesn’t really want to chump block. Makes a hilarious Prey Upon target. And lastly, Witchstalker. When the meta is right this thing can be a nightmare for your opponent.

*I know there are a bunch of other cheeky cards worth consideration like Rhonas’s Last Stand and Ghalta but this just the “stock list” and that’s a conversation for another time.*


MGA is a super fun straight forward deck to play and not to mention easy on the wallet 💰. I must admit, however, with the loss of Veil of Summer the deck might struggle against blue decks now. Aspect of Hydra is probably the most powerful card in the deck and when paired with Veil it allowed you to force that game-winning +7/+7 Aspect through. But now you have to dance around counterspells and/or pray they don’t have a turn 1 Thoughtseize. (Please, give us Guttural Response or even Autumn’s Veil! I don’t even care that they don’t cantrip… just let me resolve a lethal Aspect of Hydra 😢). Even with the loss of Veil of Summer the deck is by far nowhere near unplayable. I would place this deck somewhere around tier 2 and at best tier 1.5 at times depending on the meta. So if you’re not sure what to play going into Pioneer and you want something simple, cheap, and effective consider sleeving up MGA! 😀

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.