‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! This is my first time writing for the site so bear with me (no Ayula pun intended). Without further ado, I give you my MTGStocks Weekly Winners analysis.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2019…

River Bear from 9th Ed. up 876% now 6.25$ from 0.64$ (Was only printed in 9th Edition and Portal Second Age so it has a relatively low supply. Semi-relevant evasion. And is a result of Ayula, Queen Among Bears hype. People have been begging for a bear tribal commander for years and now that we have one everyone is losing their marbles for 2/2’s. Ayula was also featured on a recent episode of The Command Zone.)

[scryimg]River Bear[/scryimg]

Grizzly Fate from Judgement up 563% now 25.22$ from 5.05$ (Also a result of Ayula hype. But honestly, it’s a great token generator in general. It produces 4x power and 4x toughness distributed among 2x creatures for 5x mana. If Threshold is online it poops out 4x bears AND it has Flashback on top of it. This card has great flexibility and late game value all in one. Not to mention it was only printed once from a set back in 2002.)

Reshape from Darksteel up 396% now 25.22$ from 5.08$ (Oof! With only one printing from way back in 2004, it makes this card’s price super susceptible to spiking. A recent article/deck by Matt Nass on ChannelFireball is to blame for the hype. Leave it to the guy who broke Modern with KCI months ago to come up with yet another degenerate game clock time draining deck from hell.)


Necroskitter from Eventide up 302% now 17.97$ from 4.46$ (Has two printings with the most recent being in MM2, yet it saw a substantial spike due to new Yawgmoth in Commander. Necroskitter curves nicely into Yawgmoth from the command zone.)


Auntie’s Hovel from Lorwyn up 128% now 29.99$ from 13.15$ (With only one printing it makes this card’s price super susceptible to a spike in demand. With Goblin Ringleader being spoiled as part of Core Set 2020 people are hyped to build Modern Goblins now that we have Goblin Matron to tutor and Ringleader to reload our hand. People will be splashing black for Munitions Expert as a 1-of and naturally, Auntie’s Hovel is a must have for that deck.)

[scryimg]Auntie's Hovel[/scryimg]

Liquimetal Coating from SOM up 86% now 2.22$ from 1.19$ (Sees play in the sideboard of Tron decks as a way to blow up lands by turning them into 0/0’s with new Karn’s +1 ability. Pretty cheeky.)

[scryimg]Liquimetal Coating[/scryimg]

Ravenous Trap from ZEN up 72% now 6.88$ from 3.99$ (We talked about this last week. Cards that can be cast for free are always good (except for Force of Rage… *smh*). Legacy plays the crap out of this card and now Modern players are starting to catch on thanks to the new Hogaak Bridge Vine deck. Also, it only has one printing so there is that…)

[scryimg]Ravenous Trap[/scryimg]

Academy Ruins from Modern Masters up 56% now 50.62$ from 32.42$ (Most due to Urza in Commander but it also sees play in Mono-U Tron by looping Mindslaver over and over FTW and Whir Prison decks looking to loop a Pyrite Spellbomb over and over FTW.)

[scryimg]Academy Ruins[/scryimg]

And lastly, Warren Instigator from ZEN up 28% now 9.60$ from 7.50$ (Not big numbers but I’m most excited for this card because as soon as I saw that Ringleader got spoiled I knew people were going to try and recreate Legacy Goblins in Modern but use Warren Instigator as a substitute for Goblin Lackey. Sure enough, my prediction was correct and Warren Instigator went scrolling across this morning’s headline.)

[scryimg]Warren Instigator[/scryimg]

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! M20 spoiler season is upon us and we are getting some spicy stuff. So far, Scheming Symmetry has got to be my favorite card spoiled. Obviously, Commander players love it but I’m thinking about how broken it could be in Modern. It’s busted in Mill decks with Archive Trap, it’s essentially a one-sided 1x mana tutor in Lantern Control, and could see play in some sort of weird new WB Hatebears/Dead Guy Ale/Control deck thing.

If you want to try out some fancy new sleeves for your deck be sure to use my 15% discount code: MADMAGIC on your next purchase on this website. It’s crazy, I get to say this sort of thing at the end of my content now. I’M A REAL INTERNET PERSON!

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*