‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Today I’m trying something different. My roommate Jackson DeHaven just so happens to be a voice actor and we thought it might be cool to try a video version of my article. I have OCD and hate the sound of my own voice so we are giving this a shot. I…*we* hope you enjoy!

[scryimg] decree of annihilation [/scryimg]

Decree of Annihilation from Scourge up 423% now 9.99$ from 1.91$

This card is up a butt ton this week because of the new commander Gavi, Nest Warden. Gavi lets you “cast” (technically cycle) big dumb cards like Decree of Annihilation for FREE. Not to mention the only other printing of the card is From the Vault which barely counts…

[scryimg] bounty hunter [/scryimg]

Bounty Hunter from Tempest up 469% now 11.95$ from 2.10$

Has only a single printing from 1997 and has a unique ability of placing a bounty specific counter on other creatures, something the new legendary creature Chevill, Bane of Monsters cares very much about. This PB&J combo lets you mow down one creature per turn while gaining 3 life and drawing a card each time you do.

[scryimg] fluctuator [/scryimg]

Fluctuator from Urza’s Sage up 350% now 23.99$ from 5.32$

This one is hilarious because on Sunday it jumped to 35$ each only for it to get revealed that it would be receiving a Commander 2020 reprint! Oof.

[scryimg] solemnity [/scryimg]

Solemnity from Hour of Devastation up 343% now 7.00$ from 1.58$

Obvious combo with the new card Luminous Broodmoth.

[scryimg] unbound flourishing [/scryimg]

Unbound Flourishing from Modern Horizons up 98% now 9.75$ from 4.91$

Synergizes with the new legendary hydra Zaxara, the Exemplary nicely.

[scryimg] skullbriar, the walking grave [/scryimg]

Skullbriar, the Walking Grave from Commander up 69% now 8.25$ from 4.50$

Now with Ikoria and being able to give creatures ability counters, Skullbriar has gained some serious Commander value. That’s right baby, when all those +1/+1 counters are backed up by things like deathtouch, trample, and I’m assuming we will see a haste counter later this week, Skullbriar is going to be pretty scary as it moves between zones.

[scryimg] firestorm [/scryimg]

And lastly, Firestorm from Weatherlight up 63% now 8.99$ from 5.49$

Firestorm faces strain on it’s supply already due to it being on the reserved list but what caused it to nearly double in price this week beats me. It’s occasionally in the sideboard of Legacy Dredge as a 1-of but aside from that I don’t know what the deal is 🤷🏻‍♀️. Fun fact: Back in 2018 Firestorm hit 174.99$ for whatever reason?!? Makes 9$ look silly 🤣.

Well, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Thank you for tuning into this special edition of Mad Magic w/ Burt Macklin ft. the voice of Jackson DeHaven.

[scryimg] living end [/scryimg] [scryimg] shadow of the grave [/scryimg]

P.S. Keep your eye on Living End and Shadow of the Grave as more ‘cycling matters’ cards roll out this week!

P.S.S. Cut my roommate some slack if he mispronounced some Magic related lingo, he’s a sports announcer not a Magic player…

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic