‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Not much has happened since the last time you tuned in, but what has happened is pretty sweet and substantial. With that, let’s get into this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Psychic Puppetry [/scryimg]

Psychic Puppetry up 1,639% now 4.00$ from 0.23$ (Cool little card that I’m glad to see getting some love. I became aware of its existence because it’s another way to untap Merieke Ri Berit and blow stuff up with her! 😀 This week it’s because of a new (flash in the pan) deck called Twiddle Storm that is making waves. The card only has one printing from way back in Champions of Kamigawa so it got hit hard by the hype.)

[scryimg] Ideas Unbound [/scryimg]

Ideas Unbound up 577% now 2.98$ from 0.44$ (Also played in the new Twiddle Storm deck and honestly, I’m surprised it has taken this long for a deck to discover how powerful this card is. How it lets you discard three cards at end of turn is what makes it awesome because you are more than likely going to fire off those three cards that same turn as part of comboing off anyways. So basically this reads: “Pay UU and draw three cards” in the right kind of Storm deck. It too only has one printing from back in the Kamigawa block. #BringBackSpliceOntoArcane!)

[scryimg] Primordial Mist [/scryimg]

Primordial Mist up 439% now 3.99$ from 0.74$ (Just too good of a card in Commander to have only been 0.74$. Even if the card just read: “EOT manifest a card” it would still be great value-generating virtual card advantage over the course of a game. *PSST!* Whisperwood Elemental does a similar thing and it’s only a dollar! It too fits inside Kadena EDH deck.)

[scryimg] Balthor the Defiled [/scryimg]

Balthor the Defiled up 409% now 25$ from 5$ (Simply because it was featured on the Command Zone and people get excited easily I guess? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Doesn’t help that it only has one printing from Judgement.)

[scryimg] Mischievous Quanar [/scryimg]

Mischievous Quanar up 194% now 5.10$ from 1.73$ (Just another Morph creature with a sweet ability to jam inside Kadena decks. Only has one printing.)

[scryimg] Frilled Sandwalla [/scryimg]

Frilled Sandwalla from M20 [Welcome Decks] up 114% now 3.66$ from 1.71$ (Oh look, another Welcome Deck exclusive card doing stupid price things…)

[scryimg] Nesting Dragon [/scryimg]

Nesting Dragon from C19 up 62% now 8.72$ from 5.38$ (From what I can tell, it’s just a solid card that was a little undervalued from the start. Not to mention Lord Windgrace really digs it.)

[scryimg] Words of Wind [/scryimg]

And lastly, Words of Wind from Onslaught up 55% now 8.42$ from 5.43$ (A card from one of my favorite blocks, the “Words of X” cycle have always been unique and interesting cards finding a home in a bunch of different EDH strats. This one slots in well with the Kadena deck as a way to recast Morph creatures while forcing your opponents to bounce a permanent. Win-win.)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Figured I’d jam this out before I fly out for GP Vegas in a couple of days. Might see some of you there? Look for me in a ridiculous Mickey Mouse button-up shirt that I just scored at Goodwill or a black t-shirt with the company logo on it. Not looking forward to this Hogaak heavy meta for the main event. Hopefully, I can scoop up a playset of Leyline of the Void (sold my Guildpact ones back when they spiked) on Thursday before I submit my decklist.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based on price changes in the last week. Source: