‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! OOOOOEEEEE! We got Commander 2019 spoilers and we got some doozies! With that let’s get into this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Renewing Touch [/scryimg]

Renewing Touch from Starter 1999 up 3,287% now $10.50 from $0.31 (No good reason for the spike. It’s played in 20 of the 300 reported Prime Speaker Vannifar EDH decks according to EDHREC, which isn’t very compelling considering PSV has been around for a while now. It has two printings and it’s Portal Second Age counterpart did see a spike to $3.00 range but not the same 10.00$ spike the Starter 99′ printing saw. Something caused both printings to spike but I see no good explanation…)

[scryimg] Ixidor, Reality Sculptor [/scryimg]

Ixidor, Reality Sculptor from Onslaught up 644% now $15.85 from $2.13 He is a Morph and Manifest lord that can do some cheat-y things with face down cards with high flipping costs (or cards with no option to flip up in the first place (think after a Ixidron ETB…)).

[scryimg] Knucklebone Witch [/scryimg]

Knucklebone Witch from Lorwyn up 261% now $6.50 from $1.80 after being featured in Jim Davis’s R/B Goblins list that he played at MC Barcelona.

[scryimg] Giant Tortoise [/scryimg]

Giant Tortoise [V2] from Arabian Nights up 178% now $9.72 from $3.49 Honestly, cards from Arabian Nights, The Dark, and Legends just do some weird things even if they are not on the Reserved List.

[scryimg] Skeleton Archer [/scryimg]

Skeleton Archer from M20 [Welcome Decks] up 100% now $3.99 from $1.99. Will the madness ever end? I’m going to go full Patrick Star and hide under a rock and never come back out. Not even if there is a fire!

[scryimg] Changeling Titan [/scryimg]

Changeling Titan up 70% now $2.99 from $1.75. Looks like Alta Palani, Nest Tender combos with it. Also a good card in Ayula and Reaper King EDH decks.

[scryimg] Catalyst Stone [/scryimg]

Catalyst Stone from Odyssey up 70% now $10.25 from $6.00. Should come to no surprise that a Flashback cost reducer would spike in price due to a Flashback themed Commander precon deck being printed 😛 We saw Catalyst Stone first spike a couple of weeks ago when the themes were first announced and its price is still on the rise.

[scryimg] Aluren [/scryimg]

And lastly, Aluren from Tempest [Reserved List] up 38% now $35 from $25.34. To me, this is the most peculiar and interesting card on today’s list. It’s the namesake card in Legacy Aluren and the card is on the Reserved List. How is it still only $35? It has reached $60 in the past but the price didn’t stick. Why Reserved List sharks haven’t gobbled up every copy is beyond me but hey, some people think the Earth is flat… This week it makes the list because of Chulane, Teller of Tales + Overburden. It’s a janky three-card combo in Commander but that won’t stop Johnny Combo Player from trying it.

Welp, that’s all for this week folks. I got my eye on some sweet new Commander cards spoiled this week, hopefully, I can follow up with an article about them. Keep an eye out 😉

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based on price changes in the last week. Source:*