‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Pretty mellow week in the world of MTGStocks. I wanted to crank out a follow up to my first A Study in the Game of Magic article but my uncle from Texas came up to do some spring salmon fishing so I didn’t get much done this week. Anyways, here is this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Mana Breach [/scryimg]

Mana Breach from 7th Ed. up 1063% now 6.75$ from 0.58$ (Synergizes with Chulane, Teller of Tales.)

Mana Breach from Exodus up 878% now 9.00$ from 0.92$ (This particular printing is the only black boarder version of the two. 7th Ed. and Exodus are some pretty old sets and Exodus packs are super expensive because of City of Traitors thus not a lot get opened these days.)

[scryimg] Field of the Dead [/scryimg]

Field of the Dead up 142% now 3.49$ from 1.44$ (Currently seeing play all over the place. In Standard it’s played in Bant Scapeshift to make an army of zombies, Modern Amulet decks leverage it, and in Legacy Lands it generates incremental value over the course of a game.)

[scryimg] Nimble Birdsticker [/scryimg]

Nimble Birdsticker from M20 [Welcome Decks] up 139% now 2.99$ from 1.25$ (Alllllright Mr. Birdsticker, here is the envelope and you just PUSSSSHHHED IT! Yet, another garbage Welcome Deck exclusive common that spiked due to its scarce supply.)

[scryimg] Disentomb [/scryimg]

Disentomb from M20 [Welcome Decks] up 100% now 3.99$ from 1.99$ (Someone take me from this world, I’m tired of writing about these dumb Welcome Deck cards. Maybe during the Area 51 raid I can hitch a ride? 👽)

[scryimg] Divergent Transformation [/scryimg]

Divergent Transformation up 84% now 2.93$ from 1.59$ (Yay! A real card. Red is notorious for having difficulty dealing with creatures bigger than a Lightning Bolt and in Commander, if it doesn’t die to Blasphemous Act, “you’re gonna have a bad time”. It’s no Unmake but you can deal with pesky big booty Eldrazi with it.)

[scryimg] Whiptongue Hydra [/scryimg]

Whiptongue Hydra up 64% now 3.40$ from 2.07$ (This card is bomb in Commander. It’s up there with Bane of Progress in my book. I think I even mentioned this card in the past as a card I’d hold on to for in the future. I could see it being worth a pretty penny in the future (easily 5$ minimum) and cards from Commander 2018 are in their prime right now. They can only go up from here.)

[scryimg] Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis [/scryimg]

And lastly, Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis up 62% now 8.46$ from 5.20$ (This is the spiciest card on the list this week because it was on the list weeks ago when it first broke out as the hottest deck in Modern. The card everyone thought was dead after Bridge from Below got banned but NOPE! A bunch of tryhards realized that the card is still good and now we see Hogaak Vine, silly 4c Hogaak w/ Hedron Crabs, and sometimes just a couple copies jammed into Dredge. It’s been fun watching the card’s graph rise and fall like Scarface only to rise again this past week.)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks!

As always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*