‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! The themes for Commander 2019 were announced as well as some artwork for the new set Throne of Eldraine. With that, let’s get into this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Catalyst Stone [/scryimg]

Catalyst Stone up 890% now 5.45$ from 0.55$ (Because Flashback was announced as one of the Commander 2019 themes.)

[scryimg] Imperial Outrider [/scryimg]

Imperial Outrider up 451% now 4.25$ from 0.77$ (Another Welcome Deck exclusive card that spiked… #bigwhoop)

[scryimg] Willow Priestess [/scryimg]

Willow Priestess up 323% now 4.23$ from 1.00$ (It’s on the reserved list for one and two it’s a Faerie which there is said to be Faeries in the new set Throne of Eldraine so people are losing their marbles. And it’s a pretty good card actually.)

[scryimg] Dream Chisel [/scryimg]

Dream Chisel up 310% now 2.34$ from 0.57$ (Because Morph was also announced as one of the Commander 2019 themes.)

[scryimg] Island Sanctuary [/scryimg]

Island Sanctuary from 5th Ed. up 309% now 6.14$ from 1.50$ (Sees a little Legacy play and is used in 901 Commander decks according to EDHREC but nothing sticks out to me for causing it to spike recently?…)

[scryimg] Reap [/scryimg]

Reap from Tempest up 191% now 3.41$ from 1.17$ (Also unsure as to what caused this card to spike. Sees play in a whopping 175 EDH decks. Whatever caused it isn’t organic because I’m already noticing the graph beginning to decline, making me think it was a misplaced buyout of sorts.)

[scryimg] Secluded Glen [/scryimg]

Secluded Glen up 164% now 12.89$ from 4.88$ (Because of Faerie talk in Throne of Eldraine people are grabbing their copies early.)

[scryimg] Bitterblossom [/scryimg]

And lastly, Bitterblossom up 22% now 49.99$ from 39.99$ (Same deal, more Faerie hype.)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! This week was pretty cut and dry as far as new Commander products and talk of tribes on the new plane Throne of Eldraine. Now I’d keep my eye on:

[scryimg] Knight Exemplar [/scryimg] [scryimg] Obscuring Aether [/scryimg] [scryimg] Heartless Summoning [/scryimg]

Knights are said to be on the plane of Throne of Eldraine too thus I feel Knight Exemplar is going to be a prime target for building Knight tribal. Dream Chisel, as I predicted is up, and I feel like Obscuring and Heartless are soon to follow (and yes, Heartless works with Morph costs). Thanks for reading!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based on price changes in the last week. Source:*