‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Hey hey hey we have spoilers!!! 😀 And with that, it has causes quite a bit of commotion. Just about the only thing that causes movement during these virus times 🙁 I’m taking a break from grading papers for the sake of my sanity I’m cranking one of these out while I can. So let’s get right to it!

[scryimg] rhys the exiled [/scryimg]

Rhys the Exiled from Morningtide up 538% now 23.77$ from 3.72$

Because elves matter and are hot stuff right now due to the support for them in the new set.

[scryimg] into the north [/scryimg]

Into the North from Coldsnap up 325% now 4$ from 0.94¢

Naturally we might expect to see a snow land specific tutor spike in price after an entire set that involves the snow land mechanic is spoiled. It’s not rocket surgery. With only one printing, why this card wasn’t reprinted in this new set is pretty stupid…

[scryimg] sylvan library [/scryimg]

Sylvan Library from Legends up 294% now 984$ from 249$

Only the Legends printing has been effected by this very specific demand, my guess it’s cause by collectors seeking the OG printing again. Other printings remain 50-ish dollars…

[scryimg] seal of fire [/scryimg]

Seal of Fire from the Duel Decks up 266% now 2.38$ from 0.65$

Odd little card to see movement but it’s from a supplemental set making it’s supply much lower than a normal set like Nemesis or Dissension. I’m not sure if someone intentionally target this particular printing for a specific reason or if just simply the amount of them listed on TCG for the price indexing algorithm to calculate it’s average price only had a handful of astronomically overpriced prices to use resulting in this freak/erroneous price spike.

[scryimg] magus of the vineyard [/scryimg]

Magus of the Vineyard from Future Sight up 385% now 7.87$ from 1.33$

Up this week because of Yurlok.

[scryimg] druids call [/scryimg]

Druid’s Call from Odsy up 164% now 8.87$ from 3.35$

Combos with the new indestructible squirrel general.

[scryimg] jeskas will [/scryimg]

Jeska’s Will up 134% now 4.72$ from 2.01$

Occasionally sees play in Legacy Tendrils Storm as well as in several different Commander strats.

[scryimg] dancing scimitar [/scryimg]

Dancing Scimitar up 119% now 80.79$ from 36.76$

Cards from Arabian Nights are a weird market kind of unique to their own. Pretty much every other printing is 0.35¢ so it’s just that printing from AN that is in high demand for whatever reason. Collectors… amirite?

[scryimg] youthful valkyrie [/scryimg]

Youthful Valkyrie up 94% now 3.88$ from 1.99$

Just some pre-order speculation effecting price. We will see a bunch of cards that are underrated and underpriced during pre-order season and likewise we will see a bunch of over hyped cards plummet after release and people realize they were over priced.

[scryimg] mother of runes [/scryimg]

Mother of Runes from Commander up 87% now 7.38$ from 3.94$

Of all the printings the original Commander set must be the lowest in terms of supply (aside from Judge Promos and exclusive things like that) thus when exposed to any sort of demand it effects the price more drastically than others.

[scryimg] krosan beast [/scryimg]

Krosan Beast from Odsy up 84% now 16.19$ from 8.92$

Because squirrels matter and it can be a 4 mana 8/8 squirrel technically.

[scryimg] xantcha, sleeper agent [/scryimg]

Xantcha, Sleeper Agent up 81% now 16.19$ from 8.92$

Ahh, Xantcha my sweetheart <3 I have a soft spot for the super fun Commander card. From her back story in the lore to her low casting cost I adore her. Anyways, I’m not sure what just came out or snuck past me in the spoilers that would cause her to jump up in price.

[scryimg] rain of gore [/scryimg]

Rain of Gore from Dissension up 72% now 15.99$ from 9.26$

Still being used in Modern sideboards to fight Uro decks. *Off topic: I know Uro is bad but it’s no where near Twin or Hogaak levels yet, until Uro decks make up 30%+ of the meta THEN we have legit concerns and should be talking about it being banned. Until then we just have to deal with it just being a really good value card. *

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this time folks! I hope I find the time to do a set review tmrw night because there are some spicy cards I want to discuss 😉

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic