‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! You already know what it is. Figured I’d chime in a quick one of these seeing as the list is pretty short.

[scryimg] dwarven bloodboiler [/scryimg]

Dwarven Bloodboiler from Judgement up 1,732% now 8.98$ from 0.49¢

In Kaldheim we know dwarves matter so naturally all things dwarf related have gone through the roof. The card is “eh, alright” if you had a bunch of little 1/1 dwarves and you wanted to make your dwarf commander gigundous and swing for lethal voltron damage then sure but otherwise its just an old card with one printing that got hit hard by “dwarf demand”… It’s also a berserker so that benefits it too.

[scryimg] dwarven recruiter [/scryimg]

Dwarven Recruiter from Odsy up 625% now 8.34$ from 1.14$

Yet another dwarf card that nets you more dwarves! And uncommon from an older set that I’d argue is better than the Bloodboiler. It doesn’t put the tutored dwarves into hand but being able to sculpt your future dwarf draws is pretty nice. This card only has one printing so it really felt the pinch when the demand for it came down the dwarven pipeline. Hi ho hi ho! Off to the bulk shoe box I go, to dig up some cardboard gold $$$

[scryimg] lovisa coldeyes [/scryimg]

Lovisa Coldeyes from Coldsnap up 328% now 5.27$ from 1.23$

She cares about berserkers. Even battle crazed mad men need a mother’s love in the form of a +2/+2 buff 💪 she does have a second printing which is nice but it’s from the duel decks so it’s not a real reprint… Still helps tho!

[scryimg] johan [/scryimg]

Johan from Legends up 81% now 25$ from 13.75$

Peculiar 🤔 not on the reserved list and a poopy commander unless you’re going for style points. It has a Chronicles reprinting and isn’t on the reserved list which leads me to believe this is just more of that purists seeking out the OG black border printings of classic legendary creatures scenario from last time. You do you collectors, you do you boo.

[scryimg] nut collector [/scryimg]

Nut Collector from Odsy up 194% now 34.99$ from 11.89$

Squirrels, we got squirrels. We got a legendary squirrel actually that gives all your dudes (presuming they will be squirrels…) Sixth Sense/Keen Sense when they connect. You could say: people are going *nuts* for Nut Collector 🤣🤣🤣 *gasping for air* I know… I’m not funny. It only has one printing and it’s from Odsy so supply is low.

[scryimg] whim of volrath [/scryimg]

Whim of Volrath from Tempest up 95% now 5.95$ from 3.04$

No real reason that I see for this card spiking in price. It’s not on the reserved list and if the demand for it is real they can reprint it at any time to levitate the economic pressures put on it… Holler at me if I’m missing something here but I don’t see it. The Momir Vig combo deck has been around forever so again I don’t see why a card like this would suddenly spike right now.

[scryimg] rain of gore [/scryimg]

Rain of Gore from Dissension up 92% now 11.69$ from 6.08$

Spendy little sideboard card and used in some niche Commander decks. Only has one printing and has a unique ability at the low cost of two mana. Interesting to note this does not effect lifelink (because it’s a static ability) and things like a Wurmcoil engine will still gain it’s controller 6 life with Rain of Gore on board (that’s why I prefer Tainted Remedy instead 😉). I don’t see anything on my radar for why this card nearly doubled in prince recently though.

Erayo, Soratami Ascendant from Saviors of Kami up 77% now 16.66$ from 9.37$

Because Erayo decks in Modern are the hot new thing pretty much.

[scryimg] druids call [/scryimg]

And lastly, Druid’s Call from Odsy up 74% now 5.47$ from 3.13$

Hmm, let’s see: attach this to a particular new squirrel commander that happens to be indestructible and start swinging at everyone at the table. It’s quite the rhino’s bargain really, block and make them squirrels or don’t block and take commander damage. Either way, sucks to be you bro! The card only has one printing (what’s with cards from Odsy never getting reprints it seems like? They need to do a Duel Decks: Squirrels vs. Eldrazi…) so it’s a pretty scarce card right now.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! Hopefully everyone had a good Christmas and will have a heckin’ good New Years! Catch ya’ next time.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic