‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Let’s just jump right into it! Nothing significant to discuss.

[scryimg] sedris, the traitor king [/scryimg]

Sedris, the Traitor King up 469% now 24.95$ from 4.38$

The card is pretty bonkers with Obeka allowing you to reanimate any creature for only three mana. Only has one printing btw.

[scryimg] eladamris vineyard [/scryimg]

Eladamri’ s Vineyard up 460% now 24.98 from 4.46$

Sees play in Yurlok decks. “Here, have two green mana. Hopefully you can spend it, or else take two damage 😊” Only has one printing and is a rare from Tempest so it’s not exactly a card everyone just hast laying around in their collection these days.

[scryimg] dakkon blackblade [/scryimg]

Dakkon Blackblade from Legends up 258$ now 149.99$ from 41.84$

I’m not sure what’s behind this spike. The white border Chronicles printing is still only 1.33$ so it’s not because of it’s playability (or else we would have seen that price increase too) which leads me to believe it’s just due to purist collectors seeking the OG black border printing of the card.

[scryimg] overabundance [/scryimg]

Overabundance up 107% now 11.87$ from 5.78$

Only has one printing and is used Yurlok decks.

[scryimg] tectonic instability [/scryimg]

Tectonic Instability up 133% now 6.44$ from 2.76$

Also only has one printing and is used in Yurlok decks.

[scryimg] johan [/scryimg]

Johan from Legends up 93% now 24.99$ from 12.89$

Same reason behind Dakkon Blackblade. Just collectors wanting the OG black border of the classic cards from Legends. The white border Chronicles printing is 0.40¢. We have seen a demand for the classic legendary creatures from Legends across the board in the wake of Commander Legends’ release.

[scryimg] war elephant [/scryimg]

War Elephant [Version 2] from Arabian Nights up 91% now 8.53$ from 4.45$

It’s been a while since one of these obscure cards from Arabian Nights popped up. We will see from time to time, cards with two versions randomly seeing a spike for unsure reasons. But that’s just how the demand for rare things work; it’s just simply that one version is rarer than the other that people want it. We see this with cards like Giant Turtle, Rukh Egg, and Erg Raiders from the same set.

[scryimg] sorceress queen [/scryimg]

Sorceress Queen from Arabian Nights up 69% now 95$ from 56.19$

Same thing as Dakkon and Johan. White border printings are a measly 0.81¢ if you really want a copy. Just more purist OG printing collector demand.

[scryimg] final fortune [/scryimg]

Final Fortune from Mirage up 109% now 45$ from 21.50$

Two mana take an extra turn with Obeka.

[scryimg] pariahs shield [/scryimg]

Pariah’s Shield from Ravnica: City of Guilds up 97% now 9.89$ from 5$

I suspect it’s because of the new dude Jared Carthalion from Commander Legends. Oh and only one printing.

[scryimg] jeska, warrior adept [/scryimg]

Jeska, Warrior Adept from Judgement up 126% now 6.99$ from 3.08$

Aside from some badass art by rk post and the former sister to Kamahl later turned into Phage (also a Commander favorite) Jeska recently received a planeswalker commander playable reboot which has sparked interested in building around her and all things Jeska. So naturally people are now on the hunt for the original card that started it all for their themed build. She is also played in Torbran’s army of pingers.

[scryimg] staff of domination [/scryimg]

And lastly, at an all time low Staff of Domination from 5th Dawn

What was once a 66.24$ card at one point in time can now be had for a mere 5.06$. Oh how the mighty (more like just super low supply) have fallen.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this time folks! I love when a new set comes out and it gives us a couple of all star price influential legendary creatures. I remember after Feathers and (new) Teysa came out it seemed like at least once a week they were guilty for a card being on the list. Obeka and Yurlok remind me of the good ol’ days.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic