‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! It’s been a while, so much so I’ve almost forgotten how to do this 😬 I was getting the 240SX prepped for this weekend’s drift event but it looks like it’s going to get rained out so I’m taking a break from video editing and assignment grading to jump on here ❤️🤗 ❤️ Without GPs going on nothing too crazy has happened in the past couple months. We did get Commander Legends and the set is AMAZING! So many new cool fun powerful cards. So many partner commander combinations. I will be working on a set review right after this. Set let’s look at some cards that have been moving over the past few weeks.

[scryimg] maralen of the mornsong [/scryimg]

Maralen of the Mornsong from Morningtide up 585% now 45.99$ from 6.64$

Up on account of Opposition Agent (a few cards were effected by this deck search hijacker). The card is pretty dumb considering all you have to do is play your commander, pass the turn, grab the Agent, and start oppressing the table from there. However, it gives everyone else at the table a chance to tutor up removal for her or the agent before you get to start doing evil things on your next turn. So is it really that good? 🤷🏻‍♀️ P.S. she only has one printing.

[scryimg] insight [/scryimg]

Insight from 6th Edition up 478% now 4.22$ from 0.73¢

Insight from Tempest up 310% now 3.69$ from 0.90¢

Hates on “lands” Commander decks which are pretty popular right now. *cough* Omnath was a mistake! *cough*

[scryimg] krarks thumb [/scryimg]

Krark’s Thumb from Mirrodin up 440% now 31$ from 5.75$

Krark himself was spoiled during the first week of spoilers so naturally everyone went bananas. It’s a rare from an older set and it only has one real printing so it has a low supply that is now in high demand. Prepare to pay extortion level prices for this must have card if your building the coin flip deck. #RIPwallet

[scryimg] scheming symmetry [/scryimg]

Scheming Symmetry up 260% now 12.85$ from 3.56$

Ooo doggy! This is a spike I can get behind because I just bought a set for 2.50$ each the other day to build Lantern Control (the deck plays Symmetry instead of Whir basically…). Thank you Opposition Agent for yet again causing price shenanigans. Now we just need Opposition Agent to cause the price of fetch lands and Vampiric Tutor to tank because those cards are bad now 😉

[scryimg] admiral beckett brass [/scryimg]

Admiral Beckett Brass up 201% now 4.40$ from 1.46$

It’s not like Commander Legends was full of a bunch of new pirates or anything…

[scryimg] corsair captain [/scryimg]

Corsair Captain up 122% now 8.90$ from 4.00$

Definitely not a pirate…

[scryimg] stitch in time [/scryimg]

Stitch in Time up 76% now 4.12$ from 2.34$

Me: “What’s this card dooo?” *reads card color* “Kay, Izzet shenanigans…” *card rarity* “A rare from an older set; already not looking good.” *reads card text* “Flip a coin… Ok, I’ve seen enough. NEXT!”

[scryimg] over abundance [/scryimg]

Over Abundance up 404% now 4.99$ from 1.00$

Up because of the new super fun casual “mana burn” commander Yurlok the Scorch Thrash.

[scryimg] teferis veil [/scryimg]

Teferi’s Veil up 343% now 3.19$ from 0.72¢

Broken with the Encore mechanic.

[scryimg] sakashima of a thousand faces [/scryimg]

Sakashima of a Thousand Faces up 197% now 29.99$ from 9.99$

Just simply a new commander everyone is hot and bothered to play with. Possibly priced too low for presale and now that people are getting their hands on packs early the price is just now starting to reach the natural price it should have been.

[scryimg] aladdin [/scryimg]

Aladdin from Arabian Nights up 108% now 114.99$ from 54$

Not on the reserved list and doesn’t see any substantial play but ended up in the crosshairs of collectors recently for what ever reason driving up the price. 7 mana to say, “Haha, I got your Sol Ring!”?… Thus I suspect collectors primarily.

[scryimg] spinal villain [/scryimg]

Spinal Villain from Legends up 108% now 55$ from 26$

It’s on the reserved list so that doesn’t help. I does actually do stuff albeit narrow.

[scryimg] final fortune [/scryimg]

Final Fortune from 7th Edition up 50% now 34.50$ from 22.99$

Final Fortune from 6th Edition up 168% now 19.95$ from 7.42$

I heard Time Walk was pretty good, if only there was a commander that let you end the turn unnaturally and play cards like Final Fortune, Last Chance, and Warrior’s Oath with no downside… Oh, wait! Obeka, Brute Chronologist does exactly that, she is Sundial of the Infinite on a stick basically.

[scryimg] opposition agent [/scryimg]

Opposition Agent up 50% now 34.50$ from 22.95$

We all knew this card was going to be busted the day it was revealed and now that people are getting to play with the card online the demand for the card is more than what we initially anticipated thus the price is creeping up.

[scryimg] last chance [/scryimg]

Last Chance from Starter 99′ up 174% now 54.99$ from 21.85$

↑ See Final Fortune ↑

[scryimg] kobold taskmaster [/scryimg]

Kobold Taskmaster from Legends up 171% now 9.24$ from 3.40$

Because of Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh.

[scryimg] psychic vortex [/scryimg]

Psychic Vortex from Weatherlight up 166% now 8.00$ from 3.00$

Obeka mood: 😋😋😋

[scryimg] kobold drill sergeant [/scryimg]

And lastly, Kobold Drill Sergeant from Legends up 89% now 17.99$ from 9.50$

More kobold tribal shenanigans thanks to Rograkh.

Welp, that does it for this week month… It brings me great joy doing these even if no one reads them. I’m just sad I haven’t had time lately but things are looking up. Garage is done, I’m back from my trip to Texas, next week is finals week, and the last paintball event of the year is in December so I should have more time in the future. Not to mention the weather is getting nasty so it’s a perfect time to start reading some new books and writing Magic articles ❤️ With the whole world pretty much looking at a Covid-19 second wave my hopes for a 2021 GP season are dashed 😢 but casual group games and Commander are still alive and well (building The First Sliver right now *muahaha*).

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week month. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic