‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I know, I’ve been slacking but things have been pretty slow considering how dead paper Magic has been lately. We do have some Commander movement and some randomly absurd Arabian Nights silliness so listen up!

[scryimg] repentant blacksmith [/scryimg]

Repentant Blacksmith from Arabian Nights up +796% now 189.99$ from 21.18$

Well, that’s certainly an unprecedented amount of growth for a card that sees play in one, ONE, Commander deck… To make matters even more bizarre is that the card has a 5th Edition printing that’s still 0.20¢ with no signs of budging in price?…

[scryimg] honden of seeing winds [/scryimg]

Honden of Seeing Winds from Eternal Masters up +420% (hehe) now 4.48$ from 0.86$

Thanks to all the new legendary shrines from M21, Honden of Seeing Winds is just INSANE inside 5c Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Commander decks.

[scryimg] ezuris predation [/scryimg]

Ezuri’s Predation from C15 up +230% now 12.66$ from 4.69$

One word (more like “one Commander”…): NEYITH OF THE DIRE HUNT. Ezuri’s Predation might as well read: “Pay 8 mana and draw like a dozen cards.” unless everyone in your play group is playing mana rock infinite combos… (and if that’s the case; flip the table 👍).

[scryimg] zurzoth, chaos rider [/scryimg]

Zurzoth, Chaos Rider from Jumpstart up +99% now 34.99$ from 17.50$

Simply a fun and popular commander right now and it did just get a MTGGoldfish budget deck tech devoted to it.

[scryimg] mana drain [/scryimg]

Mana Drain from Legends up +66% now 398$ from 239.99$

Not very big gains in terms of % points but 158$ in a week’s time is pretty substantial. Luckily, the Iconic Masters printing is still only 144$-ish and this just appears to be a case of people paying a premium for the OG printing is all.

[scryimg] waste not [/scryimg]

And lastly, Waste Not from C16 up +58% now 24.99$ from 15.75$

My boi Tinybones is in the Top 20 Commanders this week according to EDHREC and Waste Not is the 3rd most synergistic card in that deck. Plain and simple.

Welp, that’s all for today folks! Thank goodness for Commander helping keep Magic alive during these dark times.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic