‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Cards. Let’s talk about cards. I’ve kept an eye on them over the past week and it has been very VERY interesting indeed.

First on this list is:

Invoke Prejudice from Legends (which isn’t available for sale on TCGplayer or viewing on Scryfall anymore (glad I took screen shots for science!)) Politics aside, I’m looking at this card from a purely scientific and financially objective view point. Up approx. 189% now 467.20$ (avg. eBay pricing) from 247.78$ on 6/12/2020 which was the last recorded price on MTGStocks. Interesting because it maintained the reported price of 247.78$ for four days until it was completely pulled from MTGStocks. The reason the price didn’t report a change in four days is because TCGplayer pulled the card from their website and MTGStocks uses TCG’s market price to calculate prices for data tracking. Collectors are having a heyday with this card currently. Like people who collect creepy Charles Manson murderabilia…

Randomly hit 1275$ back in June of 2018.
Sold eBay listings.

[scryimg] boggart harbinger [/scryimg]

Boggart Harbinger from Lorwyn up 1951% now 8.00$ from 0.39¢

Long story short: it combos with the new card Conspicuous Snoop + Kiki Jiki.

[scryimg] reparations [/scryimg]

Reparations from Mirage up 1011% now 23.00$ from 2.12$

This may be a reflection of recent societal events and a response to WotC’s recent decision to remove a select few cards from their data base. It is on the reserved list too.

[scryimg] child of alara [/scryimg]

Child of Alara up 688% now 29.00$ from 3.68$

Gaining some serious value this week after a Commander rules change now that whenever your commander is sent back to the command zone it triggers on death triggers.

[scryimg] hungry lynx [/scryimg]

Hungry Lynx from C17 up 306% now 8.49$ from 2.09$

Kitty cats vs. puppy dogs; the classic feud and a fan favorite. We got some new goodies with cards like Pack Leader and Feline Sovereign.

[scryimg] army of allah [/scryimg]

Army of Allah [Version 2] from Arabian Nights up 673% now 56.99 from 7.97$

Army of Allah [Version 1] from Arabian Nights up 538% now 45$ from 7.05$

Both versions up due to people’s speculation that Army of Allah will be next on WotC’s “purge list” in the wake of recent card removal.

[scryimg] cabal coffers [/scryimg]

Cabal Coffers from Planechase up 127% now 99$ from 44$

Jeez Louise man will WotC just reprint the piss out of this thing already? It’s depressing just watching the FNM promo continue to climb year after year. I remember when they were 20$ in the display case at my LGS… RIP Magic.

[scryimg] furnace of rath [/scryimg]

Furnace of Rath from Duels of the Planeswalkers up 146% now 9.99$ from 4.06$

Up this week because of the new silly red card Fiery Emancipation which is essentially Furnace on steroids. People are talking about brewing “Furnace Tribal” in Commander lol which to be fair, there are over a dozen of these effects now and with Torbran at the helm it actually sounds pretty enticing…

[scryimg] kukushon the evening star [/scryimg]

And lastly, Kukusho, the Evening Star from Champions of Kamigawa up 90% now 28.50$ from 14.99$

See Child of Alara.

Welp! That’s all the stock talk for this week folks! Thanks for tuning in and be sure to keep an eye out for my top picks from M21 seeing as the whole set has been spoiled.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic