‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Buckle up, you’re in for a bumpy ride. “I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad.” –Network (1976). Normally I bite my tongue and attempt to keep my content focused and professional as possible by keeping comments and personal opinions to myself (potential WW3 and COVID-19…). However, if we don’t voice ourselves on this particular issue we are a part of the problem. And if my sponsors/editors censor me that only further proves my point and validates my reason to support the movement. We will know if they do or not by if you’re reading this or not. That is a risk and sacrifice I’m willing to make.

I’m not going to hijack my entire article just to use it as a platform to preach about injustice, racism, and/or layout my entire social justice ideology in intimate detail. But I will say this:

I try VERY hard to be as non-biased as possible. That is my actual job. I have a masters degree in Sociology from Arizona State University w/ an emphasis on institutions and social change. I literally study protests and social movements, so the past week and a half has been an exhausting roller coaster of heart wrenching and uplifting moments. It has been a flurry of emotions by people from all walks of life from all around the country w/ vastly differing opinions, feelings, and beliefs. I have seen some of most vile toxic acts of pure hate and hostility from one human being acted upon another. Moments later I will witness tender acts of kindness and unity that restores faith in humanity during these dark times. Change is coming. It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s going to be ugly but we cannot stop fighting for justice and what’s right.

I’m not a religious person but at the end of the day I feel this is a matter of good vs. evil. We have been at war w/ this evil for hundreds of years. Racism, police brutality, etc. won’t just come to an abrupt stop; it will come to an end. We must remain vigilant to ensure it reaches that end.

During these times I hope we can stay strong. There is a lot of ugly stuff going on right now and it’s hard to remain positive and not become enraged by it. There is a lot of drama and tension regarding how other people are physically and emotionally responding to the situation. Don’t jump to conclusions. Don’t lose sight of your humanity. Don’t become as bad as the monster we wish to destroy.

Thank you.

As you may have noticed I missed last week. Life has been crazy w/ work, documenting this historic event (my comp is going to explode from all these screen shots and videos I’ve been compiling), meeting w/ contractors about building a new car garage this summer, etc. But I did happen to make note of the most juicy thing on last weeks list. Let’s take a look:

[scryimg] brand [/scryimg]

Brand from Urza’s Saga spiked 508% reaching 30$ from 1.50$

This was a silly buy-out because today it has plummeted to 15$ and still tanking because no one is willing to pay 30$ for the card. Unique ability that lets you do tricksy stuff with cards like Humble Defector and hilarious with Thieve’s Auction. People can also use it as anti-Agent of Treachery tech…

[scryimg] daxos the returned [/scryimg]

Daxos the Returned from C15 up 204% now 5.00$ from 1.62$

Up this week because of Kelsien. Experience counters yo!

[scryimg] praetors grasp [/scryimg]

Praetor’s Grasp up 180% now 14$ from 5$

Dang that’s devious. Super spicy tech in EDH used to snipe opposing Thassa’s Oracle as and was a speculative buy-out target on a Reddit post resulting in overnight skyrocket prices.

[scryimg] cephalid coliseum [/scryimg]

Cephalid Coliseum up 80% now 8.50$ from 4.70$

Legacy Dredge and Rielle in Commander. Rielle has been around for a little while now so I don’t know what caused the sudden spike in price…

[scryimg] protean hydra [/scryimg]

Protean Hydra from M10 up 164% now 10$ from 3.75$

Casual classic and EDH favorite, who doesn’t love a mythic rare hydra that grows wildly out of control until someone points removal at it or Wraths the board.

[scryimg] tainted wood [/scryimg]

Tainted Wood from Comm Ant up 129% now 2.59$ from 1.13$

Nothing special here just a supplemental production printing with a limited supply.

[scryimg] city of brass [/scryimg]

City of Brass from Chronicles up 99% now 29.99$ from 15$

All printings of City have been on the rise over recent years yet all printings appear to have spiked this past week because Ad Nauseam is a hot deck in Modern it looks like. Chronicles has a low print run so it got hit extra hard by demand.

[scryimg] vernal equinox [/scryimg]

Vernal Equinox from Mercadian Masques up 98% now 4.00$ from 2.01$

Cool card, sweet art, single printing, aaand it’s only played in like three Commander decks… I don’t know what would cause it to double in price this week.

[scryimg] jazam djinn [/scryimg]

And lastly, Juzam Djinn from Arabian Nights down 19% now 1483$ from 1839$

It’s not every day I get to talk about old school cards and honestly I was grasping for straws looking for an excuse to do so. But this classic “two mana” 5/5 beater (I know it costs four mana, that’s the long running joke; the lightly inked 2 generic mana makes it looks like it just costs BB…) was the gnarliest thing you could tap out on turn 4 for. Obviously creatures have come a long way since then but it’s cool to look back and pay our respects to one of the original gangsters of Magic. It’s on the reserved list so it complicates the price but (out of curiosity) you can actually buy copies for 800$ market price if you’re a collector or old school player.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic