‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! This week I did something a little different: I checked the stocks daily cherry picking sensationally high price spike percentages so if you see a card that is currently half the price of what I’m about to report, that’s why. LET’S GO!

[scryimg] vexing shusher [/scryimg]

Vexing Shusher from Shadowmoor up 428% now 56.99$ from 10.79$

No, not that shusher. Vexing Shusher silly! Limited print run making it susceptible to price manipulation which was exactly the case here. When I check on it when it first spiked I noticed there was only a handful of TCG vendors listing the card which heavily skewed the median price as a result. Day later there were pages listed after vendors got wind of potential profits to be made in hopes of cashing in on the price hype. Pretty dang cool ability. I actually use it in Legacy Burn occasionally as a beat stick that lets you tax yourself and cast spells through Chalice… People were speculating its usefulness making companions uncounterable.

[scryimg] flawless maneuver [/scryimg]

Flawless Maneuver up 249% now 27.48$ from 7.86$

At this point I feel like I’m beating a dead horse: IT’S A FREE SPELL. ‘Nuff said.

[scryimg] jeska, warrior adept [/scryimg]

Jeska, Warrior Adept from Judgment up 534% now 8.57$ from 1.35$

Pinger deck in Commander with Kelsien, the Plague at the helm.

[scryimg] needle specter [/scryimg]

Needle Specter from Eventide up 267% now 10.50$ from 2.86$

Mutate EDH deck strikes again…

[scryimg] astral slide [/scryimg]

Astral Slide up 240% now 6.47$ from 2.04$

People are stoked to build Gavi cycling in Commander right now.

[scryimg] counterbalance [/scryimg]

Counterbalance up 111% now 20$ from 9.45$

Because Modern, yes, Modern. So many people playing Lurrus made it easy to counter just about every other spell considering your deck had to contain only 2cmc permanents.

[scryimg] enlightened tutor [/scryimg]

Enlightened Tutor from 6th Ed. up 170% now 99$ from 36.95$

EDH staple always demanding you shell out some dough for it but what caused it to spike to 100$ beats me. I did notice is sees play in a Legacy deck called Strawberry Shortcake 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] ad nauseam [/scryimg]

Ad Nauseam up 52% now 45$ from 29$

Only one printing. Ad Naus has always been a deck in Modern and degenerate combo enabler in other formats but I’m not sure what about the meta right now that has made Ad Nauseam such an appealing option.

[scryimg] complicate [/scryimg]

Complicate from Onslaught up 737% now 5.19$ from 0.62$

Well that escalated quickly… Just yet another card you can cycle for free thanks to Gavi that does stuff. This is like free Daze (which Daze was already “free” if you bounce and island…). Oh, and it only has one printing so that doesn’t help the price.

[scryimg] lurrus, the dream-den [/scryimg]

And lastly, Lurrus down 43% now 8.50$ from 14.93$

Lurrus is our biggest loser this week (who didn’t see that coming…). My guess is people are going to treat it like Hogaak. We knew ‘Gaak wouldn’t last long and vendors were not even buying copies for 1$ during the time it was still legal in Modern. I wonder if Lurrus will become a dollar rare here in the next few weeks as prepare for it possibly getting banned in Modern after Wizards has had their fun and made their money off Lurrus and friends pushing pack sales?

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! Thanks for tuning in 🙂

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic