‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Crazy times we are living in right now, it makes me dizzy at times. Anyways, companion cards are still causing controversy as we await a B&R announcement. Buying copies of Lurrus @ 25$ each is not where I’d want to be right now. Same goes for Mishra’s Bauble: if you bought into them during the Lurrus hype I feel for you son b/c a month ago the Iconic Masters versions were 8$. In other news…

[scryimg] final fortune [/scryimg]

Final Fortune from Mirage up 348% now 9.96$ from 2.22$

Final Fortune from 7th Ed. up 171% now 5.21$ from 1.92$

Final Fortune from 6th Ed. up 154% now 5.50$ from 2.16$

Well, this is cool. It’s been a while since a card across the board saw equal demand. Last time we saw multiple printings of a single card spike was Baleful Strix when people were all hot and bothered speculating that it would be included in Modern Horizons. What caused Final Fortune to spike this week is odd however, I don’t see any reason for it. Unless there is some YouTube content that I’m unaware of, it sees zero competitive play and sees minimal EDH play @ 1% of 164,243 decks.

[scryimg] render silent [/scryimg]

Render Silent from Rav Guild Kits up 131% now 3.89$ from 1.66$

It’s seeing play in Pioneer UW Control decks however the four reported decks on MTGGoldfish is hardly enough demand to put strain on the supply. Due to the obscure Guild Kits printing it’s susceptible to the effects of demand on a choked supply.

[scryimg] echo of eons [/scryimg]

Echo of Eons from Modern Horizons up 94% now 14.00$ from 7.21$

Karn Echo in Legacy is all I gotta’ say.

[scryimg] mishras bauble [/scryimg]

Mishra’s Bauble from Coldsnap up 70% now 28.50$ 16.76$

Mentioned earlier, just loop the Bauble until Lurrus eats a Bolt.

[scryimg] mana vault [/scryimg]

Mana Vault from 5th Ed. up 66% now 60$ from 36.01$

The UMA version is 65$ as well. My guess is that people are looking for cheaper alternatives and this has caused the price of the white boarder printings to increase in price. I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t write about the 4th Ed. version in next week’s article as people seek out the remaining cheaper alternatives and their supplies begin to dry up.

[scryimg] sylvan library [/scryimg]

And lastly, Sylvan Library from 5th Ed. down 75% now 59.99$ from 246.59$

First of all: What the hell are you doing way up there at 246$ Sylvan Library?!? Get down from there! Seriously though, the Eternal Masters version is currently 50$ and hasn’t budged… Why would the white boarder 5th Ed. printing jump to 246$ in the first place? Weird stuff…

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! Thanks for tuning in and hang in there!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic