‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I know, I’ve been slackin’ but hey, life happens…🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyways, we got a few movers and shakers this week so let’s take a look! 😀

[scryimg] winds of change [/scryimg]

Winds of Change from 4th Ed. up 110% now 21$ from 9.97$

Winds of Change from 5th Ed. up 100% now 23.99$ from 11.98$

First of all, if you have ever played this card before you know how fun (and evil) it feels to play after everyone has mulliganed down to keepable hands just for you to cast Winds. Besides that the new Rielle loves it, shark whisperer Brallin digs it, and who could forget the classic Nekusar? Even Legacy Dredge plays it on occasion.

[scryimg] vivid marsh [/scryimg]

Vivid Marsh from Comm Ant up 98% now 3.23$ from 1.63$

Simply supplemental product printing subject to effects of low supply. We see this all the time with Commander Anthology sets, the Guild Kits, and Planechase versions of cards.

[scryimg] netherborn altar [/scryimg]

Netherborn Altar from C20 up 93% now 10.95$ from 5.65$

It’s only played in 162 decks according to EDHREC but I feel like this card was just simply undervalued at first. Cheating out your 8+ drop commander for essentially two mana is pretty silly. Three life in the scheme of Commander is a rather insignificant cost and there are dozens of ways to remove the counters from the Altar over time.

[scryimg] agent of treachery [/scryimg]

Agent of Treachery from M20 up 69% now 8.48$ from 5.00$

Now Agent is played in a bunch of Ux Commander decks like Thassa (new and old), Yarok, blue Braids, Brago, and Empress Galina. But mostly what has brought Agent into the spotlight of EDH attention is Yorion joining the commander ranks.

[scryimg] swiftfoot boots [/scryimg]

Swiftfoot Boots from Comm Ant up 65% now 4.60$ from 2.75$

Swifties and Greaves have always been a Commander staple. This particular printing just so happens to be from a supplemental product and is subject to the effects of demand on limited supply is all.

[scryimg] sylvan library [/scryimg]

Sylvan Library from 5th Ed. up 62% now 65$ from 40$

Played all over Legacy and Vintage. Most popular in four and five color Snowko decks in Legacy currently in which it’s only a 2-of. What caused Library to spike up 25$ this week beats me though… 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] earthcraft [/scryimg]

And lastly, Earthcraft from Tempest up 55% now 90$ from 58$

Ah, who doesn’t love a good infinite squirrel combo? Enchant a basic Forest w/ Squirrel Nest and slap an Earthcraft on there to go infinite. Crush armies, destroy cities, and beat up Eldrazi w/ your army of squirrel tokens. Earthcraft is on the reserved list making it vulnerable to demand on it’s limited supply. It doesn’t look like a buy-out attempted looking at the three pages of TCG vendors listing copies but I am noticing a sharp decline after it spiked the other day which is typical of buy-outs. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here. I do also noticed that Biorhythm is up 53% this week as well which “combos” nicely with an army of infinite squirrel tokens…

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic