‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! It’s time for another card stocks analysis from this past week. In the words of Mario, “Let’s-a go!”

[scryimg] uba mask [/scryimg]

Uba Mask from Champions of Kamigawa up 514% now 5.35$ from 0.87¢

Ooo, hot doggy! Uba Mask makes a nasty combo with the new card Drannith Magistrate. The Mask makes you exile each card you draw and you can cast them from there but the Magistrate puts a stop to that so basically no one can cast spells after that for the rest of the game. Pretty wicked.

[scryimg] gyruda, doom of depths [/scryimg]

Gyruda, Doom of Depths up 503% now 10.44$ from 1.73$

Back again from the *depths* this week up 503% because it’s still continuing to do broken combo things. In Standard it can be combo’ed with Spark Double to make copies of itself, getting more ETB triggers, and making a bunch of 6/6’s. Another option is flipping a Charming Prince and just flickering Gyruda for value. Dear Gydruda; you dumb.

[scryimg] yorion, sky nomad [/scryimg]

Yorion, Sky Nomad up 204% now 5.00$ from 1.64$

Pretty underrated at first but if you jam an additional 20 cards in your deck you have a guaranteed 4/5 flicker flyer on turn 5… Sees play in Bant Ramp in Standard right now.

[scryimg] lurrus of the dream-den [/scryimg]

Lurrus of the Dream-Den up 181% now 24.99$ from 8.87$

Modern Burn, Jund, Death’s Shadow, and Devoted Druid all have Lurrus variants now. Not just in Modern either; Standard, Pioneer, and Legacy. Unless you’re Patrick Star and literally live under a rock, Lurrus decks are everywhere right now.

[scryimg] pyramids [/scryimg]

Pyramids from Arabian Nights up 175% now 309$ from 112.49$

Wait what?!? Not another companion card?!? Sweet mother of Neptune. Just some good ol’ Reserved List price movement (as irrational at it may seem for a card that sees zero competitive play). This card is no stranger to prices of 730$ at one point in time but nearly a 200$ uptick in the past week is notable (if you’re a collector that is…).

[scryimg] shark typhoon [/scryimg]

Shark Typhoon up 159% now 6.99$ from 2.39$

Turns out “Sharknado” actually does stuff in Tron.

[scryimg]hunting grounds[/scryimg]

Hunting Grounds from Judgment up 154% now 19.00$ from 7.48$

DAMN DANIEL! Back at it again with old EDH card from Judgment! And this time I think I figured it out. This is a response to people speculating that this card could act as a replacement for Flash after it got banned in cEDH. Buy-out fueled by speculation followed by price plummet is what we are seeing currently.

[scryimg] acorn catapult [/scryimg]

Acorn Catapult from Commander up 150% now 6.45$ from 2.57$

This card has only one printing which makes it’s price vulnerable to sudden demand. It’s an artifact that can be played in any Commander deck to either amass an army of squirrels (squirrel tribal has a cult following it seems) or use as sacrifice fodder. Whatever the case might be, I’m not sure what caused the sudden jump in price this week.

[scryimg] titan hunter [/scryimg]

Titan Hunter from Commander 2020 up 116% now 3.27$ from 1.57$

Not huge gains but hear me out… Do me a favor: scroll down, click play, and skip to 0:45. Scroll back up and hover your cursor over Titan Hunter. Look at the art, OK? Keep looking at it. Now tell me you don’t hear this song playing in the back ground? You’re welcome 😂

[scryimg] spark double [/scryimg]

And lastly, Spark Double up 99% now 6.40$ from 3.25$

Nearly doubling in price this week because of how it combos with Gyrdua in Standard.

Welp! That’s all the stock talk for this week folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic