‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I told myself I wasn’t going to talk about Coronavirus but I have to (kind of). Card prices across the board have taken a dip and in some cases, are at an all-time-low. TARMOGOYFS ARE LIKE 35$ RIGHT NOW!?!? I might start buying them for stocking stuffers… Lilly is down to 47$ from 60$ on avg. It looks like most every thing is down about 25% because of the lack of paper play right now. Wait for this to blow over (when ever that might be…) and expect to see paper prices rebound. Without further ado let’s talk about some cards.

[scryimg] Grisly salvage [/scryimg]

Grisly Salvage from the Guild Kits up 748% now 3.31$ from 0.39¢

What in tarnation is going on here? Oh, just some supplemental product price susceptibility here folks, nothing to see. All the other printings are still 0.50¢…

[scryimg] steal enchantment [/scryimg]

Steal Enchantment from Tempest up 362% now 5.69$ from 1.23$

Single printing and from an old one at that. Unique ability for blue. We just had an ‘enchantments matter’ set which adds fuel to the fire. The price graph is showing characteristics of an artificial buy-out in attempts to “pump and dump” possibly. Sometimes we see with older cards with single printings that on TCG only a handful of vendors will have them listed. Vendor #1 lists their’s for 0.99¢, vendor #2 lists their’s for 1.25$, and vendor #3 has their 1x copy listed for an absurd 9.99$. Well when people buy the obvious .99¢ and 1.25$ copies leaving only the 9.99$ copy as a price point for avg price calculations we see a crazy price spike. Here is the thing: there are like 4 pages of vendors selling this card for 4$ to 5$ so we know the scenario I just illustrated didn’t occur unless those 4 pages of vendors posted their listings within the past 24 hours after the card spiked to 7.99$… I DON’T KNOW MAN!?!?

[scryimg] test of endurance [/scryimg]

Test of Endurance from Judgement up 163% now 28.50$ from 10.83$

Dumb old card with only one printing. Basically it’s a Coalition Victory type of card that hasn’t been banned in EDH yet. You start the game with 40 life already and if you stick a Soul Warden early and stay low on the radar 50 life isn’t hard to reach. Yeah sure, an enchantment is easy to Disenchant before it comes back to you on your next upkeep but if you’re playing something like Leyline of Anticipation you can flash it in on EOT.

[scryimg] syphon mind [/scryimg]

Syphon Mind from Planechase up 83% now 2.67$ from 1.46$

Another supplemental product doing weird price things. I talked about this card a few weeks ago (the other printings) and it looks like this particular printing is just catching up with the pack. The original Onslaught printing can still be had for a dollar and change…

[scryimg vivid marsh [/scryimg]

And lastly, Vivid Marsh from Comm Ant up 72% now 4.83$ from 2.80$

Yet another strange card from a supplemental product. The original printing from Lorwyn still hovers around 1.50$ each so I’m not sure why this particular printing jumped up to nearly five bucks…

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! I meant to have this out Monday night but due to Coronavirus a bunch of dudes got laid off at my work and I wasn’t one of them (luckily) which is a curse and a blessing. Sucks that I’m exposed to the general public during a pandemic and my hours went from 3 days a week to 6 days a week but I’m thankful that I’m able to bring home a paycheck still and that it’s going to be fat when I do. Tuesday it rained and I had a bad episode of depression that night, skipped the gym, and moped in bed after I got home. Wrote this Wednesday night and finished publishing it now. I’m really looking forward to hopefully good news and being able to travel for Grand Prix again in the future. Fingers crossed. Valencia in June might get cancelled so I’m looking at Nagoya in the fall. Liverpool would be cool but I’d rather go to Japan… Enough babbling from me 😛 Thanks for reading! Stay frosty 😉

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic