‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Oy vey! Do I even have to say it? It’s all anyone is talking about which sucks because I’m all about paper magic. I literally just hit refresh on SCG’s event schedule from looking at it last night and 3x more events were cancelled 🙁 What can you do though? Oh well, enough doom and gloom: LET’S TALK ABOUT SOME CARDS! 😀

[scryimg] ugins nexus [/scryimg]

Ugin’s Nexus up 235% now 2.99$ from 0.89¢

Seeing play in Jund Sacrifice decks in Pioneer right now. Also Goes infinite with Prototype Portal and KCI in Commander BTW 😛

[scryimg] divining witch [/scryimg]

Divining Witch from Nemesis up 171% now 3.99$ from 1.47$

Played in Doomsday combo decks as well as what people are calling Oracle Thought Lash combo in Legacy right now.

Psychic Possession from Dissension up 75% now 2.99$ from 1.70$

Nothing on the competitive format radar for this card. Possibly a Command Zone episode where this card was featured and I missed it. Definitely an EDH hidden gem. This card is mean. Aside from it’s face value, it has great political power at the table. Leverage it wisely.

[scryimg] thought lash [/scryimg]

Thought Lash [Reserved List] up 69% now 15.67$ from 9.26$

Mentioned previously, it’s part of a spicy new deck in Legacy as yet another way to win the game via Thassa’s Oracle. I swear, Thassa’s Oracle has got to be the most talked about card I’ve ever written about to date. You could say it’s really making a *splash* in all formats. I’m sorry, I had to. But Thought Lash is on the reserved list, has sick looking art, and is blue (pitch it to a FOW if you need to). Very cool.

[scryimg] angels grace [/scryimg]

Angel’s Grace from Timespiral up 66% now 14.99$ from 9$

Aside from Ad Nauseam making a comeback in Modern, there is a new kid on the block: Inverter’s Grace. Hot new take on the Inverter/Oracle combo that uses Spoils of the Vault (only 0.64¢ each right now by the way…) and (what I’m most excited for) 3x copies of Wishclaw Talisman! I love innovation.

[scryimg] protean hulk [/scryimg]

Protean Hulk from Guild Kits up 55% now 8.00$ from 5.15$

I’m not entirely sure why this card is up 55% this week. The Dissension printing of the card still hovers around 5.85$ but this Guild Kit printing and the Masters 25 version both jumped up to 8$ this week. It can do some busted things in Commander and there is a Reveillark + Mogg Fanatic + Body Double combo deck in Modern but aside from that: I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] dream halls [/scryimg]

And lastly, Dream Halls [Reserved List] from Stronghold up 23% now 15$ from 12.12$

Normally my cut-off for cards worthy of discussion is 50% gains over the week but I wanted to mention Dream Halls because it’s actually a hidden EDH gem. The card is so fun, even if your opponents are able to cast spells for free too, you’re probably doing more busted things with it or you’re using it politically in a Group Hug deck…

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! I hope this all blows over soon so we can get back to business as usual. Our current state of world affairs make me think of this Perturbator song with a sample in it from Network (1976): “Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything.” The ‘steel-belted radials’ part always make me laugh (and it’s just a dope song in general…). Stay safe and healthy everyone! I’m going to go start a not-so-secret secret speakeasy with my hood rat friends! 😛

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic