‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons. Yesterday we had OUAT in Modern and red Yawgmoth’s Will Underworld Breach in Legacy get the ban hammer. Aside from that it was a pretty slow week 🙁

[scryimg] splinter twin [/scryimg]

Splinter Twin from Rise of the Eldrazi up 145% now 16$ from 6.51$

Splinter Twin from MM15 up 143% now 15.33$ from 6.30$

After WotC released Stoneforge Mystic from banned list prison, people have begun to wonder: What will they unban next? Well apparently some people think that Twin might be the next “fair” card to take the handcuffs off (I would personally think GSZ would be the next card on the list for unban consideration…). We saw in the past couple days leading up to the announcement a bunch of speculators buying up copies of Twin before the B&R announcement in hopes of making some money off the following spike in price for the card if it were to get unbanned. Ha ha! Better luck next time.

[scryimg] heliods intervention [/scryimg]

Heliod’s Intervention up 110% now 2.50$ from 1.19$

Nice, glad to see this card getting the respect it deserves. It’s an absolute powerhouse in EDH. It’s played in 1,390 decks on EDHREC right now which is a whole heck of a lot more than Dust to Dust which is only played in 151 decks and Dust to Dust is an EDH staple. #atodaso

[scryimg] woodland mystic [/scryimg]

Woodland Mystic from Welcome Decks up 51% now 4.78$ from 3.15$

Sees zero play. Only up this week because it can only be found in the stupid “Welcome to Magic” decks.

[scryimg] inverter of truth [/scryimg]

And lastly, Inverter of Truth up 19% now 6.50$ from 5.45$

This one is cool because it tells us something. Even though it’s only up 19% it means people were worried it would get the ban yesterday but when it didn’t, it meant people were safe to buy into it moving forward which we see today! Pretty cool 😀

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Today’s article was pretty short but stay tuned, hopefully in the next couple weeks I will have time to crank out some more non-financial articles 😉

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic