‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Semi exciting week in the wide, wide world of Magic. GPs getting cancelled, bulk rares jumping up to 2$, and Grinding Stations price tag making me a sad boi. Let’s get into it:

[scryimg] silence [/scryimg]

Silence from M11 up 314% now 9$ from 2.17$

Silence from M10 up 248% from 7.49$ from 2.15$

Silence from M14 up 222% now 7.73$ from 2.40$

Cute little flash in the pan deck called Creative Mining in Modern right now, which leads me to my next card on the list…

[scryimg] indomitable creativity [/scryimg]

Indomitable Creativity up 262% now 2.83$ from 0.78¢

One of the name sake cards in the new Creative Mining deck in Modern. Basically 8-Polymorph with Silence and T3feri for protection…

[scryimg] doomsday [/scryimg]

Doomsday from Weatherlight up 216% now 15.81$ from 5.00$

Doomsday from 6th Ed. up 162% now 16.97$ from 6.46$

Doomsday has always been a Legacy combo deck but I’m not sure what happened in the last couple days to cause it to make headlines…?

[scryimg] grinding station [/scryimg]

Grinding Station from Fifth Dawn up 137% now 18.99$ from 8.01$

Oof, I sold mine for less than 10$ months ago 🙁 Jeskai Underworld Breach in Legacy seems to be playing Grinding Station as a 1-of in 44% of decks (the deck also plays Silence as a 2-of in the sideboard). It only has one printing, yikes!

[scryimg] kroxa titan of deaths hunger [/scryimg]

Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger up 89% now 20.48$ from 10.81$

Caused quite a hubbub last week after Jund won 1st place at SCG Indianapolis. It was a 2-of in the deck in the creature slot replacing the go-to Dark Confidant.

[scryimg] gideon of the trials [/scryimg]

And lastly, Gideon of the Trials up 66% now 20.25$ from 12.15$

Was in the week before lasts article for probably still the same reason, it’s played all over Pioneer right now. Mythic rare with only one real printing.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! Not to sound like a Debby Downer but I’m not too impressed with the new Creative Mining deck. Don’t get me wrong, it’s new and cool but it’s just another Polymorph deck at the end of the day. Sure, it’s cool how you can play Dwarven Mine the same turn you cast Indomitable Creativity creating the 1/1 creature you need for free to combo off which is a lot better than the old U/B days of trying to Polymorph your Creeping Tar Pit turn 7 when you had the mana to hard cast the combo but I still feel like this is just a case of “Ooo, new shiny”… And as much as I love Kroxa and totally think its 20+$ card (I’ve been saying that from the beginning) I just find it funny how one good showing of the card is all it takes for people to jump on the Kroxa train and abandon Bob. It’s like when ren6 first came out everyone cut Bob completely to run 4 copies of ren6, now we usually see a 3/2 split between ren6 and two Bob. I don’t know if there any way for us to absolutely, definitively, and empirically determine the “best” Jund list but we will see if Kroxa becomes a mainstay in the deck. If 2-of Kroxa turns out to be better than a 2-of Bob then by all means I will make the switch, I’m not that stubborn. That’s just progression.

Anyways, thanks for tuning in for today’s article folks! I know I’ve gone radio silent as of lately and trust me I don’t like it either. I feel like I’m Tom Hanks in Cast Away. I feel out of the loop 🙁 Not to make excuses by I’ve been super busy with my small business I started two weeks ago (escape rooms). Getting my LLC, insurance, customers, repairs, business cards, online bookings, etc. it’s been crazy. I’m hoping to make Monday night’s my Magic article nights 🙂 Take a break from my escape room stuff. Stay tuned for next week!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic