‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m alive just really busy with stuff right now. Sorry for posting this so late but here it is!

[scryimg] reap [/scryimg]

Reap from Tempest +328% now 12.00$ from 2.80$

Up right now because it got some camera time on an episode of the Command Zone.

[scryimg] robber of the rich [/scryimg]

Robber of the Rich up 251% now 7.45$ from 2.12$

Well, well, well. What have we here? Robber started out hot when if first pre-ordered for 15$ each, it was released, couldn’t find a home, and became passé falling to 1.97$. Well RDW has taken on a new form and is now calling for 4x Robbers in the mainboard and thus the price has skyrocketed due to new found demand.

Most of Robber’s success stems from Standard right now and stealing best-of-1 games on Arena which why I felt it was safe to cash in on the current demand. Seeing as I only paid 2.20$ each at the time, 6$ now isn’t bad for a couple of cards I stripped from my now retired and parted-out Standard deck that I used to play GP Portland with. I was testing them as a 2-of in the flex spot of Pioneer Boros Burn but Hazoret fills the role better anyways so they went on eBay the other night 😛

Like I was saying in one of my previous articles: I’m a player first and I just buy cards I need to play a given format. I don’t really “invest” per se, I just watch MTGStocks like a hawk. I get lucky every now and then with what I have laying around and cash in when I can. This being one of those times.

[scryimg] wood elves [/scryimg]

Wood Elves from C15 up 218% now 3.60$ from 1.13$

This card was already about 1.50$-2.00$ on average but due to the recent popularity of Titan Shift in Modern right now and the demand for the occasional appearance of Wood Elves; being the C15 supplemental product version of the card only magnified the effects of these factors.

[scryimg] boggart shenanigans [/scryimg]

Boggart Shenanigans from DD Anthology up 132% now 3.96$ from 1.70$

TBH I’m not sure. It’s a heavily played goblin card in Commander from Krenko to Pashalik but what causes this particular printing to shoot up in price? Beats me. I’m pulling the dumb supplemental product card on this one.

[scryimg] mask of memory [/scryimg]

Mask of Memory from Planechase up 116% now 2.40$ from 1.10$

Mask of Memory is no stranger to the Mad Magic list, it was featured a couple of weeks ago when the Mirrodin printing spiked 226%. Well, now it’s back and for the same reason I’m guessing…

[scryimg] syphon mind [/scryimg]

Syphon Mind from Commander up 116% now 2.75$ from 1.49$

This card is strange because it’s price is all over the place. C17 and Comm Ant Vol. 2 are both in the 2.50$ range while the Planechase and the original Comm Ant printings are 0.50¢-0.75¢ still? I’m guessing this particular supplemental product printing is just catching up with the upper end of the the pack and the others are soon to follow.

[scryimg] syphon mind [/scryimg]

Syphon Mind from C14 up 152% now 2.07$ from 0.82¢

See above.

[scryimg] paradigm shift [/scryimg]

Paradigm Shift [Reserved List] up 57% now 13$ from 8.25$

Last time we saw this card it had hit 4.69$ spiking 123% from 2.10$. Well, now at 13$ each we see there is still demand for cards that can one shot your library away to win the game under the wings (or fins?) of Thassa’s Oracle.

[scryimg] swarmyard [/scryimg]

And lastly, Swarmyard from Time Spiral up 50% now 21$ from 14$

Very unique card with a specific and powerful ability. Recent rat appreciation in the Secret Lair cards may attribute to this week’s 7$ increase or possibly the squirrel craze that accompanies any unset. Either way, Swarmyard only has one printing so that doesn’t help the price.

In other news…

I’ve spotted Mystery Booster boxes on eBay for about 110$ pre-order right now and from the looks of it they won’t contain the convention center exclusive test cards based on what I’ve seen from what is available and listed on TCGplayer. This means things like Sliv-Mizzet will continue to garnish a high price tag due to its rarity and novelty/collectors aspect. This also means that the most expensive card from the set will be Mana Crypt, so if you were ever thinking about buying one for Commander I would wait a little while for the set to release and a rush of supply to flood the market bringing the price down. I don’t know what price Mana Crypt will settle at or what’s the lowest price it will be but keep your eyes peeled. Mystery Booster copies are pre-selling for 185$ right now with the Eternal Masters version suggested as 199$ but listing for 173$. Expect to see the Eternal Master version and possibly even beat up heavily played and damaged copies of the Media Promos printings dropping in price in attempts to compete with the new wave of Mystery Booster supply.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! I just started my own small business so I’m crazy busy with things right now. I’m at the shop right now but without a mouse and keyboard so I just have my slow awkward touch pad and sharp uncomfortable built-in keyboard (gaming Dell…) hence the lack of hyper links this week. Thanks for being patient 🙂

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic