‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! It’s been a pretty slow week, mostly just some Pioneer and Standard movement. Someone steal a sheet of Ikoria and leak some grainy burner phone quality photos on Reddit already! Am I asking for too much? Since this weeks analysis is so short I’ll be doing a little something special towards the end. In the famous words of Captain Tenneal from MXC, “Get it on!”

[scryimg] abbot of keral keep [/scryimg]

Abbot of Keral Keep up 196% now 3.50$ from 1.18$

It’s seeing play in Mono-Red Aggro in Pioneer right now. One printing but that doesn’t matter much because Origins was a heavily opened modern set.

[scryimg] gideon of the trials [/scryimg]

Gideon of the Trials up 116% now 10.38$ from 4.80$

You’re opponent can’t Splinter Twin Inverter combo you if you have an emblem that says that they can’t win the game lol. Just that simple. Played in UW Control and Mono-White Devotion in Pioneer right meow.

[scryimg] selfless spirit [/scryimg]

Selfless Spirit up 45% now 12.67$ from 8.71$

Coming off the back of a 1st place finish at GP Nagoya with Bant Spirits and another 1st place finish at a SCG IQ in San Diego with UW Spirits, you could say Spirits in Pioneer are pretty hot right now.

[scryimg] castle ardenvale [/scryimg]

Castle Ardenvale up 42% now 3.70$ from 2.60$

Not very impressive price wise but worth mentioning. It’s played in Pioneer UW Control and Mono-White Devotion.

[scryimg] uro, titan of natures wrath [/scryimg]

Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath up 40% now 39.25$ from 27.99$

Sometimes I wish I had that almanac from the Back to the Future movies but for Magic cards. Uro was pre-ordering for 19.99$ before it was released. Anyways, it’s easily the better of the two titans and it’s just played all over Standard, Pioneer, and Modern right now.

[scryimg] embercleave [/scryimg]

And lastly, Embercleave up 25% now 20$ from 15.93$

Slicing and dicing up the competition right now in Standard as Mono-Red is currently the #2 most played deck in the meta. Not bad for a mythic rare equipment that people said was garbage and was destined for the dollar rare bin.

Where are the now?

[scryimg] mox opal [/scryimg]

Mox Opal was 90$ on Jan 13th the day the announcement was made. Currently (2/12/2020) it’s market average price is 60$. Still sees extensive play in Legacy and Vintage.

[scryimg] oko, thief of crowns [/scryimg]

Oko, Thief of Crowns was 53$ on Jan 13th and currently sits at 14.17$ almost exactly one month later. Pretty crazy because it’s still played in Legacy and Vintage (gotta’ turn them Ensnaring Bridges into elk somehow you know…). % wise this card has fallen the hardest of the three.

[scryimg] mycosynth lattice [/scryimg]

And lastly, Mycosynth Lattice was 53$ on Jan 13th and currently is 50.48$. Wow, luckily there is enough Legacy and Vintage demand for this card that it barely dropped in price since it’s ban in Modern.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks. Sights set on GP Lyon where we will see some big Standard results followed by Sao Paulo for some Modern action. Until then we are a ways away from getting Ikoria spoilers so don’t expect too much excitement in the next couple weeks :/

This article was written while listening to The Beetles – Abbey Road album.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic