‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Nice week of some pretty good normal price movement. A few new developments and some hype here and there but nothing too crazy or too boring either. Here’s the run down:

[scryimg] plague of vermin [/scryimg]

Plague of Vermin up 700% now 8$ from 1$

Because of the Year of the Rat : Secret Lair cards that got spoiled the other day generated hype for ‘rats matter’ cards for Commander. The card only has one printing and it’s from an old set (Shadowmoor was printed back in 2008).

[scryimg] syphon mind [/scryimg]

Syphon Mind from Commander up 294% now 2.13$ from 0.54¢

Honestly, just dumb supplemental product price movement. Probably some weird situation where there was a bunch of .50¢ copies listed on TCG and one copy for 3.00$. If all the .50¢ copies got naturally bought up (because who would be buying this card out…) and with a low supply to calculate the new market average price, the 3$ listing would skew the price to where it is now.

[scryimg] prossh skyraider of kher [/scryimg]

Prossh, Skyraider of Kher up 174% now 4.61$ from 1.64$

We just got Underworld Breach, new Erebos, and to a lesser degree Woe Strider for Prossh players to jam into their 99 if they so choose.

[scryimg] crystal shard [/scryimg]

Crystal Shard from Mirrodin up 131% now 5.38$ from 2.32$

Already played in Naban, Etrata, and Maelstrom Wanderer but most recently we got Uro as a playable commander in Commander 🙂

[scryimg] jace, wielder of mysteries [/scryimg]

Jace, Wielder of Mysteries up 131% now 5.38$ from 2.32$

An alternative win condition in the Dimir Inverter deck if they kill your Thassa’s Oracle.

[scryimg] rat colony [/scryimg]

Rat Colony up 108% now 2.90$ from 1.39$

Up because of recent ‘rats matter’ hype. Funny because Relentless Rats’ price hasn’t budged?…

[scryimg] absorb [/scryimg]

Absorb from Ravnica Allegiance up 80% now 5.76$ now 3.20$

Up because UW Control is the #1 most played deck in Standard deck right now.

[scryimg] piracy [/scryimg]

And lastly, Piracy from Starter 1999 up 74% now 28.48$ from 16.30$

I see it’s mostly played in Admiral Beckett Brass and occasionally sees play in Slinn Voda, Damia, and Yidris but that still only makes 0.0004% of the 140,669 decks recorded on EDHREC. It’s looking like due to it’s low supply there are only 15 vendors listing the card on TCGplayer right now causing it’s mrk avg price to become skewed.

Welp! That’s all the stock talk for this week folks! This week was just some good ol’ textbook stock movement. Some Commander cards, some Standard, and even some Pioneer (new Modern…). I got to do some Disqus digging as well as some EDHREC referencing to find answers like the good ol’ days 🙂 When the case went cold I got to put my thinking cap on (yes, like in Blues Clues) and apply logic by looking at TCG listings. Other than that, this week’s Pioneer results were interesting with the heavy presence of Dimir Inverter (it’s good but I don’t think it’s that good) but we will see. Anyways, thanks for tuning in! 😀

Today’s article was written while listening to… Oh, Hello – Circa Survive.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic