‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m not happy. Nope. Not one bit. Where is Asthon Kutcher? Because either I’m getting punk’d or this is one big worldwide secret underground conspiracy to put me on full tilt.
[scryimg] inverter of truth [/scryimg]
Inverter of Truth up 669% now 5.00$ from 0.65¢
Yeah, I’m not having any of this.

Last week when I said I was joking about Inverter of Truth: I was joking! 🤦

Some one must just really want to see me punt a puppy I guess.
Don’t worry guys, I’m not really mad. If anything I think it’s actually kind of cool that what I said might happen happened. Anyways, moving on.
[scryimg] brain freeze [/scryimg]
Brain Freeze from Scourge up 597% now 10.39$ from 1.49$
Surprisingly this card already sees a lot of play in Legacy as an alternative win con for Storm but thanks to the notorious Thassa’s Oracle we have another self-mill card on this week’s list.
[scryimg] starfield of nyx [/scryimg]
Starfield of Nyx up 124% now 17.99$ from 8.00$
I’m sorry! This card has been in my sights as soon as Theros 2.0 was announced (along with Settle the Wreckage but for other reasons). It’s just like any other time that they announce a future set with a certain theme, the corresponding cards spike in price due to speculation. We saw this with ‘planeswalkers matter’ cards coming into War of the Spark, merfolk, knights, and faeries going into Throne of Eldraine, and ‘artifacts matter’ cards with Kaladesh. Starfield of Nyx was the first card I thought of when Theros 2.0 was announced. If there isn’t a more ‘enchantments matter’ card than Starfield I don’t know what is. It’s a bomb mythic rare from a core set with only one printing. I should have just made a brief Facebook PSA saying, “BUY STARFIELD! BUY ALL THE STARFIELD!” but after a couple of weeks went by and nothing happened I wrote it off as nothing to worry about. Well I guess Starfield was just a late bloomer and I done goofed 🙁 Sorry guys.
[scryimg] ranger-captain of eos [/scryimg]
And lastly, Ranger-Captain of Eos up 50% now 11.45$ from 7.60$
How many damn combos can the Abzan combo deck cram in there? It’s got Vizier + Druid, Heliod + Ballista or Spike Feeder or Finks. And Heliod is indestructible?!? I knew that he was but really R&D?The thought of having to play Revoke Existence in Modern makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit 🤢. I hope it never comes to that… Anyways, Ranger-Cap of Eos grabs Ballista because it’s “cmc 1 or less” and XX is zero when searching. It can also grab a Viscera Seer if it needs to 🤷.
As promised, I won’t let it happen again. BUY SETTLE THE WRECKAGE!
[scryimg] settle the wreckage [/scryimg]

Don’t just take my word for it, ask Andrea Mengucci. The card is good and super underrated. I feel like it should be at least a 1-of, it not a 2-of in any Pioneer deck that has access to white. The card is just backbreaking in certain situations and always puts your opponent on egg shells games 2 and 3 making them wondering if you have Wreckage in hand again.
Welp, that’s all the discussion worthy stock talk for today folks! Not much since last week but the new set is still young so keep your eyes peeled 😉.
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*