‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Here we are again this week, still waiting on the first installment of MTGO 5-0 results to be published for people to start jumping on hype trains. By this time next week we should start to see what new cards from Theros 2.0 are hot or not.

[scryimg] sacred guide [/scryimg]

Sacred Guide up 865% now 3.96$ from 0.41¢

Yet another card that spiked in price due to Thassa’s Oracle. One printing. Big gains. Much wow.

[scryimg] dream trawler [/scryimg]

Dream Trawler up 318% now 4.02$ from 0.96¢

I think this is just a case of the card being undervalued and was allowed to dip down to 0.96¢ during pre-order and people realized, “Oh, this card is pretty good…”. I feel like it’s come up to the price it should have been from the start for a Standard value creature. It’s got a big ol’ booty on it and it essentially has hexproof when ever you need to thanks to it’s draw/discard ability.

[scryimg] mask of memory [/scryimg]

Mask of Memory up 226% now 2.45$ from 0.75¢

Interesting card. It doesn’t see play in any competitive format that I can tell but it does see play in Commander and the new boi on the block is Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders. Makes sense.

[scryimg] retrofitter foundry [/scryimg]

Retrofitter Foundry up 180% now 15.92$ from 5.68¢

I honestly don’t know what caused this card to spike this week seeing as there aren’t any new commanders from the new Theros set that would have caused it. It’s the same usual artifact commanders that we have had for the past couple months.

[scryimg] thassa, deep-dwelling [/scryimg]

Thassa, Deep-Dwelling up 178% now 21.92$ from 7.86$

Yet another puzzling card on this week’s list because I only see 25 decks on EDHREC playing her as their commander and I see her only as a 1-of in Standard Simic Ramp decks right now so she isn’t exactly a super hot card right now. Idk what caused this week’s spike… 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] nightmare shepherd [/scryimg]

Nightmare Shepherd up 169% now 5.18$ from 1.92$

Very cool, unique, and powerful card that I can see easily demanding a 5$ price tag. You get one free animate for each creature you play if you have this dude on board. Kinda’ gross when you start abusing ETB abilities like the evoke creatures (Mulldrifter draws four cards for 3x mana…). A lot of cool stuff you can do with this card.

[scryimg] demonic consultation [/scryimg]

Demonic Consultation up 169% now 15.16$ from 5.63$

Hmm, yet another card that can exile your entire library for only 1x black mana (at instant speed mind you) that combos with Thassa’s Oracle. What’s next? Inverter of Truth? No, wait! I was only joking! I swear if I have to write about every card under the sun that has the ability to exile or graveyard your entire library each week because of Thassa’s Oracle I’m going to punt a puppy. Yup. Just like Jack Black did to Baxter in Anchorman and with no remorse too.

Oh! And I forgot to mention that it only has one printing from Ice Age. *ICE AGE* i.e 1995… So yeah, this card is pretty scarce.

[scryimg] niv-mizzet reborn [/scryimg]

And lastly, Niv-Mizzet Reborn up 125% now 7.93$ from 3.51$

Basically because the 5c Niv to Light deck in Pioneer is finding success.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! I’m still currently working on that other article I promised some of you guys the other day. I have it open in the next tab over, I just need to finish it after I publish this.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic