‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! We are in the middle of spoilers and we’ve got some doozies on our hand already. Let’s take a look!

[scryimg] hermit druid [/scryimg]

Hermit Druid from Stronghold up +333% now 29.99$ from 6.92$

Alright, so it looks like this is a buy-out according to Reddit but what makes this interesting is we just got a new card spoil today that kinda of combos with it. Thassa’s Oracle is a wonky alt win condition similar to Laboratory Maniac that if played in a weird 1-land Ritual/Land Grant list could cheat out the Hermit, next turn mill your library, and then slam the Oracle for the win. Sounds super janky and inconsistent BUT that doesn’t stop people from speculating on and buying out the card. This makes me wondering if the person who did the Hermit buy-out had insider information about Thassa’s Oracle? Or maybe it’s just a coincidence 🤷

[scryimg] boggart shenanigans [/scryimg]

Boggart Shenanigans from Duel Decks up 304% now 4.98$ from 1.23$

Nothing to see here. Just some weird supplemental product price movement is all. The regular Lorwyn printing is still 1.94$… *EDIT* Just figured it out. There are only two listings: one for 0.75¢ and one for 9.99$ hence our 5$ mean/median.

[scryimg] fractured powerstone [/scryimg]

Fractured Powerstone from Planechase Anthology up 216% now 6.29$ from 1.99$

I’m not sure what’s going on here honestly. Inside Commander it’s just another 2-mana mana rock because there is no planar die to roll but both printing of the the Powerstone jumped up in price around the same time so there must be something putting a demand on this particular mana rock…

[scryimg] sliv-mizzet, hivemind [/scryimg]

Sliv-Mizzet, Hivemind from Mystery Booster up 129% now 200$ from 86.98$

Let’s talk about the Mystery Booster cards. First of all know that *WHEN SELLING TO VENDORS* if you open a card from a Mystery Booster pack that would normally sell for 10$ you will only get 8$ for it on average. For whatever reason the Mystery Booster versions of cards seem to be worth 20% less than the normal printing. Some vendors won’t even buy Mystery Booster pack cards, I don’t blame them, it’s a weird market and I will explain why. I’ve been told that Mystery Boosters will become available for regular retail purchase at box store and game stores thus there will be a huge flood of the product that will then saturate the market causing prices to tank. HOWEVER, I can’t confirm if the test cards will still be included in the regular retail (non-convention edition) packs. So, if they are not in the regular retail packs the test cards will continue to garnish a coveted high price but if they are expect the price of cards like Sliv-Mizzet to tank within a few short weeks. So if you’re looking to get top dollar for your test cards I’d sell them before the retail Mystery Booster packs become available. Otherwise hold on to them and cherish them 🙂

[scryimg] eldrazi conscription [/scryimg]

Eldrazi Conscription from UMA up 94% now 7.93$ from 4.07$

We’re in Theros, enchantments matter, Theros has given us some naughty toys to cheat big dumb enchantments like Eldrazi Conscription out early and start annihilating our opponents with them.

[scryimg] goblin rabblemaster [/scryimg]

Goblin Rabblemaster from M15 up 91% now 8.99$ from 4.70$

Played heavily in Pioneer right now as well as in Legacy and Modern in Big Red lists using Magus of the Moon, Simian Spirit Guide, Chandra(s), Bridge, and Trinisphere.

[scryimg] llanowar wastes [/scryimg]

Llanowar Wastes from Apocalypse up 71% now 7.50$ from 5.06$

My guess is because of Dredgeless Dredge in Pioneer right now. I’ve seen some deck tech videos on it lately that may have brought some new found attention to the deck and with it demand for the cards to build it.

[scryimg] cavalier of thorns [/scryimg]

Cavalier of Thorns up 48% now 7.50$ from 5.06$

Mono Green Ramp in Pioneer is the #1 deck right now.

[scryimg] world breaker [/scryimg]

World Breaker up 44% now 5.79$ from 4.00$

Mono Green Ramp again.

[scryimg] walking ballista [/scryimg]

And lastly, Walking Ballista up 44% now 29.81$ from 20.70$

You have to be living under a rock to have not heard about the new infinite combo in Pioneer with the new Heliod from Theros – Beyond Death.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Be sure to check in later this week for my Top 10 Picks from the new set. I’m making a list and checking it twice… 😉 Catch ya’ later!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic