‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Woo, it’s the last day of 2019 and we got spoilers trickling in! (Very much excite). The usual spoiler season pre-order buzz in addition to some minor eternal format movement. Let’s take a look!

[scryimg] ironscale hydra [/scryimg]

Ironscale Hydra up 157% now 44.99$ from 17.49$

Normally I ignore pre-order price movement but this is abnormal. Maybe there was a new development that I’m unaware of that makes this thing a predestined Standard All-Star? Jumping to 45$ has me thinking it’s more than just pre-order hype. We will see as soon as the set releases and the tier 1 Standard decks jockey for position.

[scryimg] sen triplets [/scryimg]

Sen Triplets up 82% now 72.99$ from 39.95$

So the card was recently featured as a commander on Game Knights which might have drawn attention to the card’s existence and contributed to its popularity but 33$ worth? Yikes. Must be because it does only have one printing and that’s from way back in Alara Reborn (2009). AND it’s a mythic rare to boot! 🙁

[scryimg] morophon, the boundless [/scryimg]

Morophon, the Boundless up 52% now 9.99$ from 6.55$

This card is literally a universal commander thus it has universal demand in Commander. It will always be in demand and the value of this card (unless reprinted) will only continue to climb over time. Also, there is a sweet sliver combo that uses little Sorin to cheat out Morphon and combo off with slivers. Check out the deck tech.

[scryimg] underworld sentinel [/scryimg]

Underworld Sentinel up 51% now 24.99$ from 16.49$

Not sure why this card is up… I mean it does stuff, but it seems like a lot of set up for the payoff. Kind of feels like a started deck rare 🤷 but there might be something I’m not seeing.

[scryimg] willow satyr [/scryimg]

Willow Satyr [Reserved List] up 51% now 59.50$ from 39.27$

Well, first of all, it’s on the Reserved List so that’s going to apply a weird dynamic to the price equation but I think it’s because we are going into Theros and ‘satyrs matter’ is why we are seeing this 4 drop from Legends tick up in price. The card is actually pretty good in general, it steals commanders! We also got Gallia of the Endless Dance spoiled the other day…

[scryimg] the scarab god [/scryimg]

The Scarab God up 46% now 32$ from 21.75$

I’m unaware of any particular reason other than it’s just a good card and we are seeing a natural price increase. As the days go by and the older that boxes of Hour of Devastation get, the more Scarab God will increase in value. He is a super popular commander and a mythic rare. Oh, and if you recall the card was so good during Standard that Temur Energy would splash black just for the Scarab God, just sayin’.

[scryimg] pithing needle [/scryimg]

Pithing Needle from 10th Ed. up 46% now 8.99$ from 6.14$

Well… this is awkward. Pithing Needle you are making me look like a butt hole right now. Just after I got done talking about how the price of this card was dropping due to Oko being banned and people no longer being dependent on Needle in Pioneer, here we are! Current mood:

[scryimg] yavimaya coast [/scryimg]

Yavimaya Coast from Apocalypse up 46% now 14.44$ from 9.88$

See last week’s explanation.

[scryimg] ice-fang coatl [/scryimg]

Ice-Fang Coatl up 26% now 6$ from 4.73$

This is cool because it’s a card I’ve had high hopes for in Modern. It’s basically Modern’s Baleful Strix. Currently, Bant Snow Control is a thing in Modern and it plays four of the flying snek. Jam t3feri and Oko in there and bada bing! You got one annoying Control deck. Throw the SFM package in the mix and near-perfect mana fixing due to Arcum’s Astrolabe for some extra salt. As minor as 1.25$ price movement might be, it’s cool because it tells of the Modern meta and its development. #science

[scryimg] veil of summer [/scryimg]

And lastly, Veil of Summer up 25% now 5.00$ from 3.99$

Also interesting because the card went under some fire recently getting banned in both Pioneer and Standard which took its toll on the card’s price causing it to drop. BUT! What’s cool and what this tells us is that the card is still so good that the price is rebounding. Played in Modern, Legacy, and Vintage it’s still being sold in booster packs in box stores and it STILL pulls a 5.00$ due to its extensive play in eternal formats. Really speaks to the power of the card.

Welp! That’s all the stock talk for today folks! Later I will be sitting down and writing a special article for New Years, kind of looking back on the past year. Thanks for tuning in! 🤗

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic