‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m back from MagicFestFeast Portland (Standard Food deck pun…) and you could say I’ve lost my appetite. I went 4-3-1 with my only losses being from the 5x Food decks I played against (tied one and beat my 8th round Food opponent) but sadly poor match-ups kept me out of day 2. Recap on that later. Still trying to catch up on my sleep, unpack, do laundry, etc. Not a whole lot happened in the past week. We are just now starting to get spoilers so expect to see some corresponding price spikes as a result, as well as possibly the results from this weekend’s Standard GP to impact the secondary market e.g. Fervent Knight and Drill Bit to be specific. With that lets look at this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] syphon mind [/scryimg]

Syphon Mind from C17 up 124% now 2.24$ from 1.00$

If you’ve ever played with this card in Commander you already know how good it feels when, I’m sorry, if it resolves (damn blue players…). A common from Onslaught it’s not exactly an expensive card coming in at .38¢ but for some reason something caused this particular supplemental product printing to spike up to 2.24$ this week. It might have just been a listing error or by strange coincidence that all the .40¢ copies sold out leaving one astronomically over-priced one for sale on TCGplayer unnaturally skewing the price.

[scryimg] yavimaya coast [/scryimg]

Yavimaya Coast from Apocalypse up 94% now 9.88$ from 5.08$

I’m guessing it’s due to the Ral Lotus Storm deck in Pioneer that has snuck into the Top 12 decks according to MTGGoldfish. That and because the original printing from Apocalypse is bad ass 😎.

[scryimg] edge of autumn [/scryimg]

Edge of Autumn from Duel Decks up 72% now 6.87$ from 3.99$

Back again this week and up 2.86$ since the last time we saw it. Still don’t know what caused it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean it’s occasionally played in Modern NeoBrand but it’s not like NeoBrand is dominating the meta right now?…😕

[scryimg] jace, architect of thought [/scryimg]

Jace, Architect of Thought from RTR up 27% now 5.00$ from 3.91$

Now Jace on the other hand is played in the #1 deck in Pioneer right now (UW Control). See a little play in Jeskai Superfriend Fires too.

[scryimg] smugglers copter [/scryimg]

Smuggler’s Copter down 17% now 4.60$ from 5.60$

I went around to all the vendors this weekend trying to get trade-in credit for my playset and no one was taking them. Weird, they all act like the card is banned in the only format that it’s viable in or something… 🤷 Jokes aside and to be fair it does actually see play in some pretty cool “midrange” Mono-Red Aggro decks in Modern. Using Simian Spirit Guide to power out some turn 2 Goblin Rabblemasters, Looter Scooter helps ensure you keep a handful of gas and when you need to, you can tap your whole team to “crew” a Smuggler’s Copter to prevent causing all your goblin tokens from suicide attacking into a bad situation. Apparently, it even sees play in some UW Spirits builds too!

[scryimg] pithing needle [/scryimg]

And lastly, Pithing Needle from 10th Ed. down 31% now 6.14$ from 8.99$

Back again this week as a result of Oko being banned in Pioneer and the meta relying on it less.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! I hope you all have a good Christmas Eve and are with your families watching movies by the fire (we just finished the first season of The Witcher). I’m excited for Theros spoilers! We got Klothis today and that thing is BOMB!!! I hope Wizards spoils the entire set tomorrow morning as a “Christmas present” 😜 because I really need more than six cards to write about.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic