‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! No changes to Modern, Legacy, or Standard but in Pioneer Oko and Nexus got the ax! There are a bunch of mixed feelings on the subject but what’s done is done and I’m excited to see how the landscape of Pioneer will change as we approach GP Brussels, Nagoya, and Phoenix in Jan/Feb. Let’s take a look at today’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] edge of autumn [/scryimg]

Edge of Autumn from Duel Decks up 731% now 3.99$ from 0.48$

Strange movement considering the Future Sight version still remains .50¢ so I’m not sure what caused this version of the card to spike today. The Duel Decks printing is a supplemental product that would factor into it but I still don’t understand the original source of demand for the card in the first place?

[scryimg] windfall [/scryimg]

Windfall from Commander up 59% now 4.03$ from 2.52$

Played in 18,851 Commander decks according to EDHREC. Banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage, Windfall is one hell of a powerful card that’s allowed in Commander it’s no wonder why it’s played in so many EDH decks. What caused this particular printing to jump in price? Beats me. What’s even more puzzling is why the Battle Royal version (with ugly white border) is 8.00$ and the Urza’s Saga version with the same artwork and black border is 2.65$? 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] drop of honey [/scryimg]

Drop of Honey [Reserved List] up 30% now 619$ from 475$

Reserved List cards are always doing weird price things. It’s a constant up and down zigzag pattern with either an upward, flat-line, or downward trend. You will see dual land prices naturally fluctuate up and down a few bucks over the course of a month. Look at a Bayou from Revised, 293$ in April 2019 and 299$ in May 2019, the difference of 7$ over the course of a month. Basically the price cruises along at (+) or (-) 10$ in a given direction. Currently, Bayou is in a downward trajectory (299$ in Oct, 287$ in Nov, and 275$ in Dec). But Drop of Honey, on the other hand, wowzers! 100$ difference overnight is noteworthy. The demand for Legacy cards is a bit different compared to Modern, it’s on the Reserved List which also adds a new dynamic, and collectors further complicates the equation as to why Drop of Honey spiked in price. Moral of the story: Drop of Honey’s price spike is complicated.

[scryimg] life from the loam [/scryimg]

Life from the Loam from Secret Lair Collection up 26% now 19$ from 15$

Also, another card that’s nearly impossible to explain exactly why the price spiked. What makes people decide to spend the extra money on masterpieces when the non-foil original printing of the card functions the same way sleeved up in a deck? There is no way of predicting or anticipating people’s spending behavior towards luxury, deluxe, or limited edition items like the Secret Lair cards. Their stock trends just don’t operate on the same axis that the normal printings do. There is just too many unforeseen and unknown factors that can’t be accounted for.

[scryimg] pithing needle [/scryimg]

Pithing Needle from 10th Ed. up 24% now 9$ from 7.20$

A few weeks ago we saw this card shoot up in price because it was an answer to Oko in Pioneer but now with Oko gone I’d be willing to bet we see the demand for Pithing Needle die down.

[scryimg] surgical extraction [/scryimg]

Surgical Extraction from MM2 down 16% now 22.50$ from 27$

This card was in high demand a few months ago when Hogaak was hot in Modern but now that Hogaak is locked up with Twin and Golgari Grave-Troll we are starting to see the numbers of Surgicals in people’s sideboard dwindle. So glad they are not 72$ anymore.

[scryimg] once upon a time [/scryimg]

Once Upon a Time down 17% now 9.08$ from 11.00$

Even though it’s banned in Pioneer and Standard it’s still played and playable in Modern and Legacy. This card is so good, it smooths out opening hands while essentially replacing itself FOR FREE (remember what I’m always saying about free spells). Keep an eye on OUaT, if it drops down to 5$ each I’d start picking up copies. I feel like when a card gets banned people give up on it and focus on other things forgetting where and how else it can be played still. Perfect time for you, the savvy card swooper, to come in and buy up some copies while no one is looking.

[scryimg] saheeli rai [/scryimg]

Saheeli Rai down 18% now 5.47$ from 6.72$

Sadly, Saheeli is right back to where she was before Pioneer was announced. It’s a good card yet not quite good enough for Legacy or Modern but still played occasionally in tier 2 four-color Copy Cat decks in Modern. Just enough demand for her to remain a 5$ rare…

[scryimg] mischievous quanar [/scryimg]

Mischievous Quanar down 20% now 5.86$ from 7.35$

I found this card interesting because a few weeks ago when the Commander 2019 came out the morph deck generated a bunch of demand for old forgotten obscure morph cards and this being one of them. Currently, the most popular commanders are Korvold, Alela, Kenrith, Chulane, and Syr Gwyn all of which are from the most recent set. It appears Kadena has fallen out of favor. 😢

[scryimg] smugglers copter [/scryimg]

And lastly, Smuggler’s Copter down 23% now 5.60$ from 7.30$

Continuing to fall in price this week after it’s banning a couple of weeks ago. Poor Looter Scooter. 🙁

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! I will be interested to see how Pioneer shakes out. My guess is we will see a rise in UR Phoenix and Aetherwork Marvel decks now that Oko is out of the picture. Drop of Honey I also found odd because ren6 was just banned in Legacy so I would have thought we would see a decrease in demand for Legacy Lands pieces if anything. Anyways, thanks for tuning in today! 🙂

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*