‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! No Pioneer bans yesterday and Mythic Championship VII in the books (Jund Sacrifice stole the show). Stocks wise not much has happened in the past week. Normally I post on Monday’s but I will be posting on Tuesdays moving forward to be better aligned with the effects of the B&R announcements. Here’s this week’s analysis!

[scryimg] akron legionnaire [/scryimg]

Akron Legionnaire from Legends up 92% now 15$ from 7.79$

Up nearly 100% this week because it’s uhhh… it ummm… it does… yeah, I… I have no idea.

[scryimg] rhonas the indomitable [/scryimg]

Rhonas the Indomitable up 75% now 13$ from 7.44$

I’m guessing people just forgot how good this thing was and with a bunch of Pioneer main event Grand Prix around the corner people have their sights set on Pioneer power cards. It’s played in a bunch of Gx aggro decks right now and as a 1-of 50% of the time in the Infinite Possibilities deck.

[scryimg] zo-zu the punisher [/scryimg]

Zo-Zu the Punisher from the Duel Decks up 70% now 4.40$ from 2.58$

Who doesn’t love a good ol’ punisher deck in Commander with no win condition other than just annoying the crap out of everyone at the table? Load up on Manabarbs, Price of Glory, Burning Earth, Blood Moon, Spell Shock, etc. This particular printing has some cool alternate art which might explain the difference in price?

[scryimg] knight of the white orchid [/scryimg]

Knight of the White Orchid from Shards up 52% now 5.65$ from 3.71$

White weenie is a thing in Pioneer right now.

[scryimg] soulfire grand master [/scryimg]

Soulfire Grand Master up 35% now 4.36$ from 3.22$

Very cool card with a unique ability. I see it’s being played in Mardu Pyromancer builds in Pioneer currently. Sprinkle some Pestilent Spirit in the mix for some extra ‘my spells have bonus abilities’ flavor! ;P

[scryimg] ashnods altar [/scryimg]

Ashnod’s Altar from Antiquities up 23% now 15$ from 12.33$

Always a fan favorite in Commander. If there was ever a card that just said, “Sacrifice a creature: nothing happens.” people would play the hell out of it. Just the ability to sacrifice any number of creatures at instant speed for zero cost is useful in Commander. Add in the ability to generate mana by sacrificing a dude and that’s a recipe for broken combo silliness. The other more recent reprints are still in the 5-6$ range which makes me think that people are just wanting the OG artwork in this case.

[scryimg] brazen borrower [/scryimg]

Brazen Borrower down 21% now 27$ from 35$

It’s played in Izzet Control, UW Control, and Simic Flash right now but I think due to Golgari and Jund Sacrifice stealing the spotlight after the most recent Mythic Championship, people aren’t fussing about the Borrower as much anymore.

[scryimg] smugglers copter [/scryimg]

And lastly, Smuggler’s Copter down 22% now 7.30$ from 9.39$

It’s price continuing to drop since last week’s banning. “Goodnight, sweet prince.” -Walter.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! I was going to mention some of the Secret Lair cards but there were too many to list. Long story short: the majority of them are down 40-60%. There ya’ go 😛

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic