Ello’ ladles and jellyspoons! Oooeee! Yesterday’s Pioneer bans were hotter’n a blister bug in a pepper patch! With that, let’s get right to this week’s MTGStocks analysis shall we? 🙂

[scryimg] boros signet [/scryimg]

Boros Signet from Comm Ant Vol. 2 up 107% now 2.05$ from 0.99¢

Long story short, it’s a printing from a supplemental product. The Ravnica: City of Guilds printing remains a cool 0.95¢ while the Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits printing is 2.99$!?!

[scryimg] brazen borrower [/scryimg]

Brazen Borrower up 91% now 34$ from 18.21$

Rather peculiar movement for a card that isn’t necessarily making waves right now. The card is good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not like is a 4-of in a deck that just won Pro Tour or something that would obviously explain the sudden spike in price. It’s played in Legacy, Modern, Pioneer, and Standard but nothing flashy has happened recently to explain this week’s jump to 34$…

[scryimg] vivid meadow [/scryimg]

Vivid Meadow from Comm Ant Vol. 2 up 85% now 2.17$ from 1.17$

I don’t know honestly. I see that it’s played in 9127 Commander decks according to EDHREC such as The Ur-Dragon, Atraxa, Arahbo, and more. All the other printings (except the C17 printing) are on average 0.67¢. Beats me 🤷🏻‍♀️.

[scryimg] glorybringer [/scryimg]

Glorybringer up 50% now 2.97$ from 1.41$

Ahhh yis, thank you Pioneer for making this card valuable again. Glorybringer is a flying Flametongue Kavu that you can activate every other turn. It’s a great sideboard card if there isn’t already a couple of copies in the mainboard. Any aggro or midrange deck with access to red wants a copy or two in the 75 somewhere.

[scryimg] cavalier of flames [/scryimg]

Cavalier of Flames up 48% now 8.88$ from 5.99$

Hot right now because of Jeskai Fires in Standard.

[scryimg] cavalier of gales [/scryimg]

Cavalier of Gales up 37% now 5.86$ from 4.27$

Cavalier of Flames’ buddy in the same deck…

[scryimg] ink-eyes, servant of oni [/scryimg]

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni from BoK up 35% now 11.44$ from 8.45$

This card has been a casual favorite in Commander for a long time now. Between the multiple printings, we still see the price to slowly creep up over the years. Rat tribal, ninja tribal, and even weird “removal tribal” where people just load up on removal spells and then reanimate all of the enemy’s best creatures (it’s black’s version of Control Magic kinda 😄).

[scryimg] nicol bolas, the ravager [/scryimg]

Nicol Bolas, the Ravager up 34% now 25$ from 19.09$

Just a good card that is being played in Pioneer Grixis Control. People forgot about it I feel like 🤷🏻‍♀️.

[scryimg] supreme verdict [/scryimg]

Supreme Verdict from Iconic Masters up 33% now 20$ from 15$

When some decks get nerfed because of the bannings, others inadvertently get buffed and I feel like UW Control essentially got buffed with Monday’s news. This being one of those key cards in the deck’s strategy.

[scryimg] heroic intervention [/scryimg]

Heroic Intervention up 29% now 14.06$ from 10.83$

Just a seriously good card that sees play in Commander already and is seeing quite a bit of play in Pioneer. This was a card I kept my eye on expecting it to drop after rotation but nope! It never did 😔 It just held a solid 5$ price tag up until rotation and kept slowly climbing after that.

[scryimg] smugglers copter [/scryimg]

And lastly, Smuggler’s Copter down 11% now 9.39$ from 10.56$

It did just kinda get banned yesterday so that mighhht have something to do with it 😛 Now with it being banned in Pioneer the Looter Scooter has been rendered essentially unplayable because it’s just not good enough for Modern or Legacy the way it was in Standard and Pioneer. With zero demand now for the card, expect the price to severely drop in the coming days.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Thanks for tuning in 🤗.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic