‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I hope you all had a happy national terrify your domesticated animals day! 😀 Let’s jump right into this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Risen Reef [/scryimg]

Risen Reef up 764% now 2.94$ from 0.34$ (This is just one of those killer value cards that will be played in Standard a lot. Much like Ravenous Chupacabra and Lava Coil, they’re only really played in Standard and reached their 2-3$ price tag because of it. We see this happen with exceptionally high demand uncommons in Standard sets from time to time. The card is just really good. It’s a Coiling Oracle that wants to be played in a Temur elemental tribal shell and it gets around Narset.)

[scryimg] Spectral Bears [/scryimg]

Spectral Bears from Anthologies up 675% now 4.11$ from 0.43$ (Long story short; because Ayula in EDH.)

[scryimg] Desert [/scryimg]

Desert from Timeshifted up 658% now 8.87$ from 1.17$ (Was formerly on the grey list of illegal common cards in Pauper but now that the format has become officially recognized by Wizards; Desert has become a legal card to play in Pauper now.)

Desert from Arabian Nights up 172% now 9.50$ from 3.50$ (See above.)

[scryimg] Gaeas Touch [/scryimg]

Gaea’s Touch from The Dark up 272% now 5.58$ from 1.50$ (I’ve always really liked this card. It’s like a poor man’s Exploration for Forests and it gives GG to devotion. It too has now become legal to play in Pauper and I think people are excited to start ramping with it. Get your Aspect of Hydras ready!)

[scryimg] Leyline of Abundance [/scryimg]

Leyline of Abundance up 139% now 5.00$ from 2.09$ (I just feel like when this card was first spoiled that people slept on it because it didn’t read: “you may begin the game with this card on the battlefield. You win the game.”. It seems like every leyline now has to read like that in order for people to think it’s good… Honestly, I think the card has potential and could see it being a broken combo enabler.)

[scryimg] Dread Presence [/scryimg]

Dread Presence up 123% now 2.30$ from 1.03$ (🤷🏻‍♀️)

[scryimg] Chandra, Acolyte of Flame [/scryimg]

Chandra, Acolyte of Flame up 107% now 8.27$ from 3.99$ (Simply an underrated three-mana planeswalker and I’m thinking that people are just now realizing that. This often happens a lot of weeks before a set releases. So much hype is flying around during spoiler season that people dismiss some cards as they are being bombarded by a batch of new shiny toys every morning.)

[scryimg] Mystic Remora [/scryimg]

Mystic Remora from Ice Age up 99% now 5.97$ from 3.00$ (This card is NOT a creature lol. I always have to keep reminding myself that whenever I see it being played in Commander and I try to Bolt it. Well, it’s Pauper legal now and I think people are excited to start drawing cards off it. It doesn’t help that it only has one printing either.)

[scryimg] Monastery Mentor [/scryimg]

Monastery Mentor up 79% now 39.97$ from 22.28$ (Sees a ton of play in Legacy and Vintage. It even has a deck named after it for Pete’s sake! A mythic rare with only one printing. People are just now starting to play with it in Modern inside Azorius and Esper Control shells.)

[scryimg] Sandstorm [/scryimg]

Sandstorm from Arabian Nights up 60% now 4.63$ from 2.89$ (More Pauper hype. The Mirage printing is still only 0.09$…)

[scryimg] Seasoned Pyromancer [/scryimg]

Seasoned Pyromancer up 59% now 27$ from 16.94$ (Just now starting to settle into the price that I feel is about right for a mythic rare with a whole lot of value stapled to it. It’s seeing play all over Modern right now. I was expecting this to be a 25$ card even if it only saw play in Mardu Pyromancer lists.)

[scryimg] Ranger-Captain of Eos [/scryimg]

And lastly, Ranger-Captain of Eos up 52% now 17.50$ from 11.50$ (Seeing play in Modern right now in Esper Shadow lists.)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based on price changes in the last week. Source:*