‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! We had a bombshell of a B&R announcement dropped on Standard yesterday and no changes to Pioneer 🤔 which I’m okay with because while I do like to see the obvious and egregious cards hit early, I still like to see formats work themselves out naturally. So let’s take a little look at today’s stock analysis:

[scryimg] bloodsoaked champion [/scryimg]

Bloodsoaked Champion up 690% now 3.95$ from 0.50¢

This dude was 5.85$ at one point during Standard. It was played in RB Aggro, Aristocrats, and (my favorite) BW Warriors. Bloodsoaked Champ is back again, this time in Pioneer mostly because of Mono-Black Aggro decks. It’s a rare from KTK with only one printing putting a strain on supply hence the price for this aggressive little 2/1 reoccurring gem.

[scryimg] izzet charm [/scryimg]

Izzet Charm from the Guild Kits up 516% now 3.76$ from 0.61¢

Long story short: it’s a 4-of in Izzet Phoenix(es) in Pioneer. And to add fuel to the fire, Izzet Phoenix just took down the SCG Invitational event in Roanoke.

[scryimg] vivid marsh [/scryimg]

Vivid Marsh from C15 up 224% now 2.24$ from 0.69¢

Honestly, I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it looks like it’s played in 9,904 decks on EDHREC so there is obviously some sort of demand for it. What caused all the printings to spike: IDK my BFF Jill.

[scryimg] hour of promise [/scryimg]

Hour of Promise up 224% now 3.50$ from 1.08$

Daggum’ Field of the Dead decks in Pioneer pretty much. It only has one printing.

[scryimg] ensoul artifact [/scryimg]

Ensoul Artifact up 190% now 2.12$ from 0.73¢

Ah, Izzet Scissors ❤️ such a fun deck when it was in Standard. Ensouling a Darksteel Citadel to make a 5/5 indestructible beater or an Ornithopter to become a 5/5 flyer turn 2 was awesome! I loved watching it in the Pro Tour Magic Origins Finals between Mike Sigrist vs. Joel Larsson. Ensoul Artifact only has one printing from Core Set 2015. Pricey little uncommon.

[scryimg] rekindling phoenix [/scryimg]

Rekindling Phoenix 137% now 9.49$ from 3.99$

Played in Izzet Phoenixes (Flamewake + Rekindling, NOT Arclight) The deck is cool, it plays Elder Deep-Fiend which likes to emerge the Phoenixes for value. Pretty snazzy tech.

[scryimg] vivien arkbow ranger [/scryimg]

Vivien, Arkbow Ranger up 110% now 21$ from 9.99$

It’s hella good in the Mono-Green Devotion deck right now (despite the recent bannings). Turns out playing giant Voracious Hydras for a million and/or having them fight things like a Polukranos on steroids is pretty good.

[scryimg] pithing needle [/scryimg]

Pithing Needle from 10th Ed. up 76% now 8.99$ from 5.09$

Simple and effective one mana colorless answer to T3feri, Oko, and other annoying planeswalkers in Pioneer.

[scryimg] kozileks return [/scryimg]

Kozilek’s Return up 74% now 5$ from 2.87$

I was wondering when this card would pick up in value. I guess people forgot about this three mana “colorless” instant speed Pyroclasm from Oath of the Gatewatch. Buys you time by killing off aggressive x/2 attackers while you set up for big Field of the Dead plays in Golos Eldrazi decks. Sweet tech in the Izzet Phoenixes deck when you play Elder Deep-Fiend you get Kozilek’s Return back!

[scryimg] archangel avacyn [/scryimg]

Archangel Avacyn up 72% now 9.50$ from 5.52$

What did I say about this card a couple of weeks ago? Atodaso! Currently seeing play in UW Control/Tempo and Bant Midrange lists.

[scryimg] mutavault [/scryimg]

Mutavault from Morningtide up 53% now 19.99$ from 12.99$

Everyone’s favorite little universal 2/2 ‘make-a-dude’ tribal man-land. Mostly played in Pioneer Mono Black right now for the same reason it was/is played in Modern 8 Rack and that’s because Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth allows it to produce precious black mana while still providing 2/2 dude utility.

[scryimg] doomsday [/scryimg]

And lastly, Doomsday from A25 up 39% now 6.50$ from 4.67$

No new commanders have been spoiled to explain the sudden uptick in interest for this card so I’m guessing it’s just by random chance that people are interested in building degenerate Doomsday combos in Commander right now. There is one Esper Doomsday Vintage deck listed on MTGGoldfish right now but I doubt that’s enough to incite today’s inclusion on the list. It sees play in nearly 2,000 Commander decks according to EDHREC and is a staple in cEDH Jeleva and Kess Grixis Storm decks. The newest kid on the block is K’rrik and his Mono Black Doomsday Combo (which looks pretty sick if you ask me).

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Yesterday’s bans were crazy! I feel bad that Narset, Parter of Veils got restricted in Vintage and kinda glad Ren6 got banned in Legacy (if the format survives being replaced by Pioneer at paper events 😢). Outside of Magic, has anyone seen the new Mandalorian?!?! IMO it’s so freaking good. I’m stoked! A perfect blend of CGI and practical effects (puppets) and it’s not jammed full of cheap little kid jokes every 5 seconds like in the past couple movies. Love it? Hate it? Leave a comment! 🤗

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*