‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Not too much has happened in the past week, mostly just a bunch of Pioneer related movement, and some 1st place finishes drawing attentions to key cards… Nevertheless, there are a couple interesting cards on the list this week:

[scryimg] nissa, voice of zendikar [/scryimg]

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar up 135% now 20$ from 8.50$

She is a three mana walker and if history has taught us anything it’s that three mana walkers are almost always good (even the three mana Tibalt is played in the sideboards of RDW in Standard to shut off life gain). Currently sees play in Gx Hardened Scales decks in Pioneer which is pretty popular right now.

[scryimg] sphinxs revelation [/scryimg]

Sphinx’s Revelation from the Guild Kits up 103% now 9.89$ from 4.85$

Not to sound anticlimactic but, UW Control in Pioneer. No crazy spicy secret tech. Just good ol’ fair UW Control plays it…

[scryimg] wild slash [/scryimg]

Wild Slash up 99% now 4.99$ from 2.50$

On the list again this week because it’s red’s best one mana removal spell in the format, not to mention it has the occasional upside of enabling Ferocious and preventing damage from being prevented. Suck on that Haze of Pollen.

[scryimg] field of the dead [/scryimg]

Field of the Dead up 70% now 11.50$ from 6.74$

Jeez, even after getting banned FotD is still putting up numbers. It’s played in Pioneer, Modern, and obviously Legacy Lands. Amulet Titan just put up a 1st place finish at SCG Rossford.

[scryimg] rekindling phoenix [/scryimg]

Rekindling Phoenix up 55% now 5.43$ from 3.50$

In a format void of Path to Exile, Rekindling Phoenix has little to fear and gets a little extra millage in Pioneer UR lists. I suspect Lava Coil will gain in value as long as UR Phoenix remains the #1 most played deck in the format. It kills un-flipped Thing in the Ice, Arclight Phoenix, Crackling Drake, and Rekindling Phoenix.

[scryimg] hardened scales [/scryimg]

Hardened Scales from C16 up 50% now 7.69$ from 5.10$

Namesake card in the Hardened Scales decks in Pioneer right now. Pretty simple. I also suspect Winding Constrictor will jump as a second thought for people building the deck. Unless reprinted, I could see Winding Constrictor being a 2-3$ uncommon eventually.

[scryimg] pelt collector [/scryimg]

Pelt Collector up 40% now 3.99$ from 2.85$

Played in Pioneer Hardened Scales. Took a 1st place finish at a NRG Series event. Pelt Collector is also seeing play in Gruul Aggro in Standard right now as well.

[scryimg] stonecoil serpent [/scyrimg]

Stonecoil Serpent up 32% now 4.19$ from 3.16$

Gee, let’s see: It comes into play with X +1/+1 counters on it. I wonder what deck plays four copies of it?…

[scryimg] pithing needle [/scryimg]

And lastly, Pithing Needle from M10 up 28% now 6$ from 4.67$

Makes a spicy silver bullet 1-of in the sideboard of Modern Eldrazi Tron by wishing it up with Karn. E-Tron just took a 1st place finish at SCG Frankenmuth this past weekend. So there is that…

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Thanks for tuning in today 🤗

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic