‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! It’s been a crazy past week with Halloween, bannings, and me pumping out hella articles. We’ve got a few hot movers and shakers this week as well as a little announcement towards the end. So with that, let’s jump right in: Gerrronimooo!
[scryimg] wild slash [/scryimg]
Wild Slash up 557% now 2.50$ from .38¢
Simply a better Shock and actually this wouldn’t be the first time for Slash to reach 2.50$ because it actually hit 2.79$ during it’s peak in M15 Standard (you can thank Joel Larsson and his 2015 Pro Tour 1st place win playing RDW in Vancouver for that). It’s the 7th most played card in Pioneer right now and only has one printing so it’s no wonder it’s pulling a premium right now.

[scryimg] soulflayer [/scryimg]
Soulflayer up 296% now 2.50$ from .68¢
This card has been around for a while now occasionally making spicy splashes in Modern in rogue brews and 5-0’ing MTGO Modern Leagues by catching people off guard. But it has found itself on the list today because of well, you guessed it, doing the same thing in Pioneer… Between Lotleth Troll and Grisly Salvage pitching Chromanticores and Zetalpa, Primal Dawn in the graveyard, Soulflayer looks pretty fun! Delve is just another one of those busted mechanics that’s just asking to be exploited and as I’ve said before: Anything that can be cast for free (or next to free) is always going to be a good and safe investment. *Except Force of Rage, that card still sucks.*
[scryimg] ramunap ruins [/scryimg]
Ramunap Ruins up 170% now 2.98$ from 1.10$
It feels like Ramunap Red in Standard all over again 🔥😱🔥 except this time it’s in Pioneer… It’s just being played in a bunch of different Rx decks in Pioneer right now. I love it because it’s flood insurance. It doesn’t cantrip the same way Sunbaked Canyon does in Modern but when you hit that dreaded 4th land that Burn doesn’t want to see you can at least do something with all that mana by turning this into a Shock… Only has one printing and probably won’t see another one any time soon unless the Magic storyline travels to a plane with “Desert” land types again.
[scryimg] sylvan caryatid [/scryimg]
Sylvan Caryatid up 141% now 8.45$ from 2.50$
I love this card. It basically says, “I’m going to sit here and make whatever color mana I damn well please and you’re just going to watch me while I do it.” I will admit: I’m a little biased as it was part of one of my favorite combo decks from Standard’s past: Jeskai Ascendancy Combo piloted by Lee Shi Tian @ Pro Tour KTK (Honolulu). Anyways, the card is great (kinda creepy art tho) it puts the brakes on small 2/x attackers and is a hexproof Birds of Paradise which is exactly what some degenerate derdly combo deck wants when trying to set up their combo while stem the bleeding from fast aggro decks. Technically it has two printings but the buy-a-box promos don’t really help alleviate the pressure of demand on supply…
[scryimg] leyline of abundance [/scryimg]
Leyline of Abundance (RIP 11/4/19) up 120% now 3.16$ from 1.43$
Well that’s awkward considering it got banned today (prices and %’s posted before the B&R announcement obviously) but I’m still interested to see how far the price will fall tomorrow after the news impacts the MTGStocks report. Snapple Fact: This might be the first ever and only Leyline to have ever been banned in a format.
[scryimg] declaration in stone [/scryimg]
Declaration in Stone up 111% now 2.14$ from 1.01$
See?!? Atodaso boys, atodaso! I called it the other day (last card on my list) that this card would increase in demand due to it being our best option for a Path to Exile effect in Pioneer. Now if only it would reach 14.85$ again…
[scryimg] boros signet [/scryimg]
Boros Signet from Commander Anthology Vol. 2 up 90% now 2.10$ from 1.10$
I haven’t had one of these on the list in a while (reminds me of the golden days when I first started writing these). Cards from supplemental sets like the Guild Kits and Commander pre-con decks are always doing weird things due to their sensitive low supply. Don’t worry because the OG printing from Ravnica: City of Guilds is still only .76¢ and that set was from wayyy back in 2005. You’re fine 👌
[scryimg] thassa, god of the sea [/scryimg]
Thassa, God of the Sea up 82% now 24.95$ from 13.58$
Okay, now those are some gains! Thassa’s price is thicc 😮 Mono Blue Tempo is a thing, putting up 8-0 finishes, and it reflects in the price. Yikes.
[scryimg] sphinxs revelation [/scryimg]
Sphinx’s Revelation from MM3 up 58% now 6.92$ from 4.37$
Exactly the card UW Control wants to play when the game goes long. Definitely picking up value as people forgot to get their copies in the first couple of weeks after the Pioneer format was announced (people usually rush to get their major obvious staples like Teferi(s) and Supreme Verdict first, then pick up those second thought 1-of and 2-of cards.)
[scryimg] pack rat [/scryimg]
Pack Rat up 53% now 3.99$ from 2.60$
Not huge gains but again, atodaso! On my spec list the other day; the card is known for taking over and running away with games if left unchecked. It only has one printing, sees some play in Legacy currently, and is no stranger to a 5.65$ price tag. Keep an eye on it.
[scryimg] thing in the ice [/scryimg]
And lastly, Thing in the Ice up 48% now 14.83$ from 9.97$
Well I’m glad to see Izzet Phoenix has legs in Pioneer (the second most played deck in the format currently). I was a bit worried about TiTi and Arclight Phoenix’s fate after the Faithless Looting ban but luckily it looks like they’ve found a home in Pioneer. TiTi is another card that is unlikely to see a reprint any time soon because of it’s unique flip mechanic that can’t just be printed all willy-nilly in any set WotC pleases. For this reason, as long as Izzet Phoenix remains a thing, I foresee TiTi maintaining a solid 15+ dollar price tag for a good long while.
Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Not to brag but after writing today’s stock analysis, I’m glad I ordered my Ramunap Ruins a couple weeks ago while they were still .50¢ each. Then again, I did have to buy back my Smuggler’s Copters for 7$ each after I sold a playset weeks before at 1$ each 😢
Announcement! So due to recent events, my plans have changed. I will still be attending GP Portland in December but that Columbus event is off the table now. I’ve decided to put that money I would have spent on event entry and airfare towards a different endeavor instead. In Feb I will be spending a month in Dublin working at a hostel, attending GP Lyon on March 6th, staying in Rimini until April 3rd for GP Turin, and wrapping up my trip with a month in Zagreb. Don’t fret for I will be bringing my laptop with me and continuing to produce content while I’m there 🙂 This is just something I need to do. I’ve realized a window of opportunity and I’m going for it. I apologize to those of you who I had talked to about hanging out with at the Columbus event and cant now, which is a real bummer because I was actually super excited to meet some of you in person. But, there is always this summer and I’ve been wanting to play some SCG events anyways. Nonetheless, I just have to leave. I have to run away. I’ve been here too long. It’s like in Talladega Nights where Ricky Bobby’s dad intentionally ruins dinner after everything was going perfectly and gets kicked out of the diner. It’s time to seize the carp!

Thanks for tuning into today’s article and as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*