‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! In the words of Alpha 5 from the Power Rangers: Ay-yi-yi! Today’s list is a mile long (and I’m going to say this now: I stopped around the 50 percentile). So let’s take a gander at some of this Pioneer influenced hotness.

[scryimg] trade routes [/scryimg]

Trade Routes from Mercadian Masques up 202% now 4.87$ from 1.61$

There are two other printings of this card (8th and 9th Ed.) and both are still 1.00$ each…? I don’t see it being played in any eternal formats and the most recent commander to be printed that plays it is Chulane but he has been around for a little while now so I’m not sure why we are just now seeing this card’s price spike 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] rally the ancestors [/scryimg]

Rally the Ancestors up 181% now 2.00$ from 0.71$

Because it’s the namesake combo piece in the Rally deck and Pioneer is all the fuss right now. It does only have one printing so it makes it pretty vulnerable to the effects of demand right now.

[scryimg] abrupt decay [/scryimg]

Abrupt Decay from the Guild Kits up 170% now 8.10$ from 3.00$

Premium removal in Pioneer right now. Hits a bunch of the big threats, namely, Oko and little Teferi. Funny because this card fell out of favor in Modern to where it was a 1-of in Jund lists 43% of the time if it was lucky, but now that Pioneer is hot on the scene, Abrupt Decay has earned an all new appreciation (stats on it’s deck usage, average # per deck, and % of usage in said deck still unavailable on MTGGoldfish at this time).

[scryimg] traverse the ulvenwald [/scryimg]

Traverse the Ulvenwald up 165% now 5.05$ from 1.90$

Jund DS just won 1st place at SCG Minneapolis about a week ago so that might have something to do with as well as Pioneer’s influence.

[scryimg] siege rhino [/scryimg]

Siege Rhino up 155% now 3.80$ from 1.49$

Yay! The rhino is back! 😀 If you took a trip to Value Town, USA this is the animal you would ride in on. I don’t have to tell you why this cards good but now with Pioneer as a format, the rhino may finally return to it’s former days grasslands of glory.

[scryimg] master of waves [/scryimg]

Master of Waves up 151% now 5.00$ from 1.99$

*PTSD shuddering*

*throws up in mouth a little bit* 🤢

Protection from red 😩 I hate this card and totally forgot it was from Theros. FML. Am I really about to devote 2x sideboard slots to Reality Hemorrhage to kill this thing?!? 😭 Luckily the sea horsiez don’t have pro-red and just die if you can kill the master… Anyways, it’s a mythic rare from Pioneer’s oldest legal set but at least MoW has a Duel Decks printing that helps alleviate the pressure of demand for it.

[scryimg] oath of nissa [/scryimg]

Oath of Nissa up 148% now 4.44$ from 1.97$

I think I mentioned this card a looonnng time ago about it being a card to keep an eye on and spec on in general. People have called it “the green Ponder” but now with Pioneer the card is in high demand because of Simic Ramp decks.

[scryimg] rampaging ferocidon [/scryimg]

Rampaging Ferocidon up 147% now 4.88$ from 1.79$

On the list because it fights Copy Cat decks in Pioneer.

[scryimg] felidar guardian [/scryimg]

Felidar Guardian up 128% now 2.28$ from 1.00$

It puts the cat in Copy Cat Combo. It is literally the cat…

[scryimg] vraska, golgari queen[/scryimg]

Vraska, Golgari Queen up 122% now 20$ from 8.99$

Nice! I always thought this card was solid for a four mana walker. Not too powerful and not too weak. The -3 to Abrupt Decay something is super important in Pioneer right now for reasons mentioned about Abrupt Decay… Not to mention it’s also kickin’ butt in Standard right now with Sultai Walkers.

[scryimg] blooming marsh [/scryimg]

Blooming Marsh up 114% now 10.72$ from 5.00$

Pioneer mana base…

[scryimg] heart of kiran [/scryimg]

Heart of Kiran up 111% now 3.13$ from 1.48$

Same reason as Smuggler’s Copter: it’s colorless and helps squeek out value over the course of a game.

[scryimg] eidolon of the great revel [/scryimg]

Eidolon of the Great Revel from A25 up 105% now 11.98$ from 5.84$

It’s played in Modern and Legacy Burn. It should come to no surprise that it will be played in Pioneer as well.

[scryimg] grim flayer [/scryimg]

Grim Flayer up 104% now 16.77$ from 8.00$

Occasionally played in Modern Jund lists but not very often. Now in Pioneer without Goyf to compete with, Flayer is looking to be cream of the crop.

[scryimg] hangarback walker [/scryimg]

Hangarback Walker up 100% now 11.49$ from 5.73$

The card was nuts during it’s time in Standard reaching nearly 20$ each. It would get out of hand if you couldn’t exile it and it got really scary if there was a Winding Constrictor on board 😬

[scryimg] mana confluence [/scryimg]

Mana Confluence up 97% now 29.94$ from 15.19$

Yikes, this card was on my watch/spec list but it looks like I’m too late. For those greedy 3+ color decks, this is one of the best universal fixings in the format next to Fabled Passage.

[scryimg] thoughtseize [/scryimg]

Thoughtseize from Theros up 56% now 27.77$ from 17.76$

Simply seeing a lot of play Pioneer right now. It’s a 4-of in practically every Bx deck.

[scryimg] teferi, hero of dominaria[/scryimg]

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria up 51% now 34.39$ from 22.77$

Pioneer strikes again…

[scryimg] nykthos, shrine to nyx [/scryimg]

And lastly, Nykthos Shrine to Nyx up 49% now 17.96$ from 12.00$

If there are going to be any seriously competitive Devotion decks, you know Nykthos is going to be a 4-of in everyone of those decks. In Theros: Beyond Death there might be a slight chance that Nykthos gets a reprint. Plus, now with the way WotC says, “screw convention!” and just bombards us with Masters sets that don’t have to adhere to the normal Standard set lore restrictions when it comes to reprints I’m kind of surprised we haven’t seen a reprint yet…

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Keep your eyes peeled for some articles I have up my sleeve. I hope to start getting them out this weekend after Halloween is over. I will be touching on this history of print run numbers and how it effects the prices of modern day sets as well as I think I figured out why they chose RTR as the Pioneer cut off. I might do a deck tech and a theory article looking at an aspect of deck building that transcends all formats. And lastly, a quick spec article for Pioneer cards that people are sleeping on or have forgotten about. Should be pretty cool. 😎

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic