‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! We just had a bomb dropped on us yesterday with the banning of Field of the Dead in Standard and Arcum’s Astrolabe in Pauper.

Most importantly they announced a new format: Pioneer (Frontier 2.0 kinda) and with that came an explosion of price spikes. So let’s see what happened in the last 24 hours shall we?
[scryimg] aetherworks marvel [/scryimg]
Aetherworks Marvel up 660% now 10.26$ from 1.35$
The first on a long list of cards who’s prices spiked due to Pioneer. The name sake card in a former tier 1 Standard all-star deck. As people race to put their decks together people will tend to gravitate towards the tried and true battle proven tier 1 decks of Standard seasons past. As time passes and the format begins to flesh itself out we will see entirely new decks emerge as people begin to test out brews, etc. Until then people are going to play it safe and pick up previously established tier 1 decks that rotated and jam a few obviously powerful new toys into the list.
[scryimg] dig through time [/scryimg]
Dig Through Time from Ultimate Masters up 555% now 9.50$ from 1.45$

Hummmmm… let’s see: it’s banned in Legacy and Modern. And it restricted in Vintage. I wonder if the card is any good? It doesn’t have access to the fetch lands for Delve food but it’s still going to be really good.
[scryimg] deathrite shaman [/scryimg]
Deathrite Shaman from Eternal Masters up 322% now 13.99$ from 3.31$
Banned in Legacy and Modern and only playable in Vintage and Commander. It appears the mini planeswalker was deemed “safe” due to it not having access to fetch lands either 🤷🏻♀️ Anyways, you know it will Jund.
[scryimg] smugglers copter [/scryimg]
Smuggler’s Copter up 391% now 9.00$ from 1.83$
The Looter Scooter is back! This card got banned during it’s time in Standard so you know it’s good. Good enough to get banned a second time? Maybe not, but people certainly think it will be good hence why the price skyrocketed.
[scryimg] embercleave [/scryimg]
Embercleave up 317% now 16.68$ from 4.00$
NOT Pioneer driven. I was actually watching this card move over the weekend due to it’s performance as a 2-of in Gruul Aggro and as a 3-of in Mardu Knights in Standard.
[scryimg] torrential gearhulk [/scryimg]
Torrential Gearhulk up 184% now 9.49$ from 3.34$
“Fatcaster Mage” also on the list today because if there is going to be a UW Control deck in Frontier, you know Torrential Gearhulk will be in it.
[scryimg] drowned secrets [/scryimg]
Drowned Secrets up 165% now 2.65$ from 1.00$
It appears Blue Dredge is a thing in Standard.
[scryimg] jace, vryns prodigy [/scryimg]
Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy up 134% now 46.97$ from 20.00$

We might be looking at one of the most expensive cards in the format already. Believe it or not this card hit it’s peak during it’s time in Standard reaching 92.79$ at one point. It saw a second wave of demand during the Frontier craze causing it to spike to 44.38$ and has been hovering around 15-20$ until yesterday. It only has on printing and is from one of the “older” Pioneer sets. It doesn’t help that it’s also a mythic rare…
[scryimg] saheeli rai [/scryimg]
Saheeli Rai up 111% now 17.98$ from 8.50$
I’ve mentioned this card in the past whether it was on one of my all-time-low lists or just an underrated cheap pickup. Everybody is itching to play Pioneer’s version of Splinter Twin.
[scryimg] questing beast [/scryimg]
Questing Beast up 95% now 37.90$ from 19.37$
Just look at the most recent Mythic Championship results. The card was all over the top 8.
[scryimg] oko, thief of crowns [/scryimg]
And lastly, Oko, Thief of Crowns up 77% now 64$ from 35$
Back again this week because it’s played all over Standard and Modern. Thinking about it, it’s pretty simple: Oko’s +1 is Beast Within basically. A universal answer to pretty much everything your opponent is doing (just pray they’re not playing Bogles). *Also, looking to be one of the most expensive cards in Pioneer…*
Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Phew the past 24 hours have been a doozy! I was going to post yesterday but I wanted to wait for the effects of the B&R announcement to impact the stock market. How do you feel about the new format? Excited to start brewing? Have zero faith in it after you saw what happened to Frontier? Indifferent and could care less? Love it or hate it: leave a comment on the Facebook page 👍
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*