Ello’ ladles and jellyspoons! It’s been kind of a slow week but there are still a handful of cards worth discussing so here we go! 😀
[scryimg] heartseeker [/scryimg]
Heartseeker from Darksteel up 166% now $2.96 from $1.11
Sees play in the hot new Syr Gwyn EDH deck right now. Basically, if you are playing Knight tribal with her, she makes the card read: Tap, blow up a dude. And you can do this as many times equal to the number of Knights you control. Pretty cool. The card only has one printing so there is kind of a chokehold on supply considering it was printed wayyy back in 2004.
[scryimg] Spellshock [/scryimg]
Spellshock from Exodus up 164% now $2.25 from $0.85
Played in Rx Punisher EDH decks in the past such as Mogis, Zo-Zu, and Kaervek. But the new kid on the block Torbran is hot to trot and ready to dish out the pain.
[scryimg] fiendish duo [/scryimg]
Anyone else notice the new one-sided pain doubling devil duo? Fiendish Duo from the new Game Night 2019 run of cards does exactly that!
[scryimg] citadel of pain [/scryimg]
Citadel of Pain from Prophecy up 158% now $2.69 from $1.04
Because of Torbran and only has one printing.
[scryimg] savor the moment [/scryimg]
Savor the Moment from Shadowmoor up 154% now $19.00 from $7.48

I do love me some Modern Taking Turns jank and as cool as I think the deck is, sadly I fear it may only be a flash in the pan performance 😕 But who cares if your lands don’t untap on your next upkeep seeing as you didn’t have to tap them to play this card in the first place thanks to Fires of Invention! Hey, it might even make cards like Bontu’s Last Reckoning playable… Oh, and it only has one printing.
[scryimg] scion of oona [/scryimg]
Scion of Oona up 82% now $13.99 from $7.67
Pretty straight forward: we got some new Faerie toys with this most recent set and people have been putting up 5-0 finishes with UB Faerie lists in Modern…
[scryimg] arcane signet [/scryimg]
And lastly, Arcane Signet down 33% now $11.38 from $16.99
Interesting to me because it reminds me of human nature and how if a crisis occurs people panic and start hoarding canned food and gasoline… Well now that the precon decks have become available for purchase, people have got their hands on their copy(s), and people are saying, “Oh, I’m not going to die after all…” we are starting to see the price come down to a realistic price point.
Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Thanks for tuning in. It’s looking like I might be able to make it to GP Columbus next month after all (I got an extended grace period on my $500 monthly student loan payments somehow…) so maybe I will see some of you there?
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*