‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Today is a good day. Why? Because I have Standard news. I was going to have this article out yesterday but I went a date last night 😊 Anyways, we have some good healthy Standard movement now that the set has come out (as expected) and a little Modern action as well. Without further ado here is this week’s MTGStocks analysis:
[scryimg] edric, spymaster of trest [/scryimg]
Edric, Spymaster of Trest up 374% now 7.97$ from 1.68$
Well, this looks bad. The first card on today’s list and I cannot figure out why it’s up 347% 🤷🏻♀️ It’s always been a solid budget cEDH option (if it isn’t banned at your LGS…) and sees fringe Vintage play but I can’t find anything on Reddit or in the Goldfish or TCG comment sections. Does anyone know the wiser? Throw me a bone here.
[scryimg] golos, tireless pilgrim [/scryimg]
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim up 299% up 5.99$ from 1.50$
*Phew* This is the normal development of the Standard meta that I like to see and am relieved to report on. A sense of normalcy; business as usual 🤗

Golos is a huge value play in Standard Bant Ramp right now. Mucho value my friends. The deck is pretty straight forward: you’re just trying to ramp up to Golos grabbing whatever shock lands/guild gates you need when Golos comes down while fixing your mana with Circuitous Route along the way. I’ve seen a list with Fires of Invention which is a huge tempo play. Play a huge Beanstock Giant and wipe the board with Realm-Cloaked Giant all in the same turn seems good. Or ramp into a Hydroid Krasis first and then with your half continent of lands slam a 12/12 Beanstock Giant… Oh, and it’s all gravy when you start profiting off Field of the Dead in the process. Golos my boy, we are going places this Standard season.
[scryimg] field of the dead [/scryimg]
Field of the Dead up 106% now 8.17$ from 3.96$
For reasons I mentioned above.
[scryimg] cavalier of flame [/scryimg]
Cavalier of Flame up 99% now 5.99$ from 3.00$
Seeing play in Jeskai Fires in Standard right now.
[scryimg] paradoxical outcome [/scryimg]
Paradoxical Outcome up 99% now 3.99$ from 2.00$
Briefly mentioned last week when looking at Mox Amber and how it’s being played in Paradoxical Urza in Modern right now. Well, now a week later the namesake card in the Paradoxical Outcome version of Urza combo deck is up. Who woulda’ thunk?
[scryimg] veil of summer [/scryimg]
Veil of Summer up 41% now 6.50$ from 4.60$
Not huge gains but enough to garnish attention as I mentioned it a few weeks ago when I was discussing random cards of interest and this being one of them. When it was first spoiled I looked at it for two seconds and moved on. My bad because turns out the card is really good and I shouldn’t have been a dumb-dumb and had the foresight to buy a playset while they were 0.30$ 😢 The card is seeing play in every format and the price is steadily rising which is crazy because M20 is a Standard-legal set that is still being printed right now. Impressive card both financially and in-game performance-wise.
[scryimg] jeskai ascendancy [/scryimg]
Jaskai Ascendancy up 29% now 5.03$ from 3.88$
Very cool because of a new deck thanks to Emry, Lurker of the Loch called Emry Ascendancy. Yet another spin on the Urza combo. I love seeing new cards from the most recent Standard set impacting eternal formats like Modern. Emry you made my day 🤗
[scryimg] hydroid krasis [/scryimg]
Hydroid Krasis up 21% now 25.85$ from 21.27$
See Golos.
[scryimg] oko, thief of crowns [/scryimg]
And lastly, Oko, Thief of Crowns up 12% now 34.94$ from 31.00$
I decided to add this last on the list because, well, now I’m realizing how good it is and how it’s seeing play everywhere. It breaks the Bant Stoneblade mirror-match by turning your opponent’s Batterskull into a derpy vanilla elk. Trapped under an Ensnaring Bridge? Turn it into an elk! Turn that pesky Thopter Foundry into an elk and stop the Urza combo. That’s a big scary 10/10 Death’s Shadow you got there; not anymore! #GetElked (I should write those late night Billy Mays commercials for this card…) And that’s just his +1. HIS PLUS ONE! Not -1, but his +1 just making him even bigger and harder to kill. It’s played in Legacy and even Vintage. No Mystic Forge is safe with Oko around.

Welp! That’s all the stock talk for today folks! Thanks for tuning in! I’m actually for the first time in a long time excited to play Standard again. Not going to lie, when War of the Spark came out and it was just nothing but planeswalker Control with gummed up board-states for a little while there, I gave up on Standard. It wasn’t fun. But now I’m reinvigorated by these Golos lists that remind me of the Aetherworks Marvel deck during Kaladesh Standard (fun times). Grand Prix Portland is coming up in December and pieces to RDW keep trickling in 😍 Let’s go, baby!
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*