‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! We are mid way through spoilers and we got some cuh’rayzee preorder price movement going down. With that, let’s look at this week’s MTGStocks analysis:
[scryimg] Piper of the Swarm [/scryimg]
Piper of the Swarm (Extended Art) up 6,165% now 249.99$ from 3.99$ (Before we all get too excited: THESE ARE PREORDER PRICES and they are subject to weird average price calculation anomalies. There is only one person (a vendor by the name of LastSavePoint on TCGplayer) listing them for sale right now, thus they are the only price in which to calculate an average price from. What’s interesting is if you look at the price graph you will see it spike and crash, spike and crash. Well, what’s happening is the ones listed for 249.99$ are not selling obviously but when another vendor jumps on and lists their’s for 4.00$, 3.99$, 1.99$, 1.98$, and 1.97$ they get bought up quickly leaving us with only one other listing (our boy LastSavePoint @ 249.99$ that no one’s buying from) as the only price point to calculate an average price from. That’s why we see a zigzag graph on a bunch of these extended art preorder cards.)

[scryimg] Midnight Clock [/scryimg]
Midnight Clock (Extended Art) up 4,981% now 249.99$ from 4.92$ (Another 250$ preorder card from ya’ boy LastSavePoint. But I’ve got to admit, it is fun typing such huge % numbers even if they aren’t real…)
[scryimg] The Circle of Loyalty [/scryimg]
The Circle of Loyalty (Extended Art) up 1,983% now 249.99$ from 12$ (Hmm, another 250$ extended art preorder card. It’s as if only one person is listing them on TCGplayer for the same price… Oh, wait…)
[scryimg] Rankle, Master of Pranks [/scryimg]
Rankle, Master of Pranks (Extended Art) up 1,288% now 249.99$ from 18$ (I’ve run out of sarcasm.)
[scryimg] Drafnas Restoration [/scryimg]
Drafna’s Restoration from Antiquities up 1,010% now 13.88$ from 1.25$ (Now those are some real big % numbers even thought it’s backed by artificial buyout. Illuminati 👁️ 🙁 It is pauper playable, only has one printing, and could be used for some sick combo which makes it a vulnerable target for such a calculated buyout.)
[scryimg] Edric, Spymaster of Trest [/scryimg]
Edric, Spymaster of Trest from Conspiracy up 131% now 3.85$ from 1.66$ (Not sure what’s driving the price as the C16 printing also spiked yet the Commander printing didn’t budge?… 🤷🏻♀️)
[scryimg] Kinsbaile Cavalier [/scryimg]
Kinsbaile Cavalier up 82% now 4.50$ from 2.46$ (Because it’s a Knight.)
[scryimg] Knights Charge [/scryimg]
Knights’ Charge up 55% now 31$ from 19.99$ (Another strange preorder price anomaly. Maybe it’s that good and I just don’t realize it but I don’t feel like it should be a 31$ enchantment.)
[scryimg] Haakon, Stromgald Scourge [/scryimg]
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge up 54% now 13.50$ from 8.75$ (Back again this week (no zombie pun intended) because it’s price wasn’t done climbing apparently people are still eating up this Knight tribal hype.)
[scryimg] Necropotence [/scryimg]
Necropotence from Ice Age up 39% now 17.17$ from 12.28$ (According to my little birds, Necropotence is up because of K’rrik, Son of Yawgmoth.)
[scryimg] Lady Evangela [/scryimg]
Lady Evangela from Legends [Reserved List] up 30% now 88$ from 67.64$ (I tip my top hat to anyone who plays these old school classic legendary creatures in Commander despite their lack of power. OG style points. Not necessarily in high demand, just a case of low supply due to it being on the Reserved List.)
[scryimg] Arcane Signet [/scryimg]
And lastly, Arcane Signet up 16% now 35$ from 29.99$ (*EDIT* Commanding a 35$ price tag because it’s exclusive to the Brawl precon decks. I just didn’t get the memo. 👌)
Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! I love spoiler season and all the strange language translations on foreign cards. I noticed it back in Aether Revolt when they first spoiled Spire of Industry. It translated to Industrial Tower (I was able to snag a screen shot) and then when they updated the site with the English image of the card the name changed slightly. I find it kinda cool and some times I wish they actually used the name Mythic Spoiler uses when they first upload the foreign version of the card. Now I’m always taking screen shots to see what they translate to later 😛

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*