‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! We got some juicy spoilers this past week and more to come. With that let’s take a look at the prices that have already been affected in this week’s MTGStock’s analysis:

[scryimg] Blood Clock [/scryimg]

Blood Clock from Saviors of Kamigawa up 391% now $6.54 from $1.33 Just another way for the ever-popular Kadena Morph deck to bounce and replay their Morph dudes. Turning Blood Clock’s “downside” into an advantage by forcing everyone at the table to bounce something that they probably don’t want to be bounced. Oh, and Blood Clock also has only one printing.

[scryimg] Worldgorger Dragon [/scryimg]

Worldgorger Dragon from Judgment up 201% now $6.00 from $1.99. Back again this week, this time from the Judgment printing, but for the same reason that the EMA printing spiked: goes infinite with Animate Dead inside the Anje Madness deck. Thanks to everyone who pointed out the combo and it being the reason it spiked last week. 🤗

[scryimg] Oakenform [/scryimg]

Oakenform from M20 [Welcome Decks] up 123% now $4.00 from $1.79 *uncontrollable shaking* GAHHH! These M20 Welcome Deck exclusive cards make me want to punt a puppy! Nuff said.

[scryimg] Pillar of the Paruns [/scryimg]

Pillar of the Paruns from Dissension up 108% now $29.90 from $14.41. Up because of the 5c Niv-Mizzet deck in Modern right now. And it only has one printing so that doesn’t help.

[scryimg] Mightstone [/scryimg]

Mightstone from Antiquities *Reserved List* up 101% now $7.99 from $3.97. Honestly, 🤷🏻‍♀️ it only sees play in 30 decks according to EDHREC and zero play in the other eternal formats. My guess is that it’s just because of Reserved List volatility…

[scryimg] Apex Altisaur [/scryimg]

Apex Altisaur from C19 up 85% now $4.99 from $2.69. I see nothing in particular causing this card to ramp up in price all of a sudden but I do see it just being a good card with a natural demand for it.

[scryimg] Knight Exemplar [/scryimg]

Knight Exemplar from M11 up 81% now $9.95 from $5.49. And atodaso! Weeks ago I called it. To be fair, it doesn’t take rocket surgery to predict that Faeries and Knights would spike when WotC announces a new set full of Faeries and Knights.

[scryimg] Phyrexian Dreadnought [/scryimg]

Phyrexian Dreadnought from Mirage *Reserved List* up 58% now $53.92 from $34.04. Probably because of Scroll of Fate.

[scryimg] Necropotence [/scryimg]

Necropotence from Iconic Masters up 38% now $17.51 from $12.66. Not sure exactly why all printing saw a spike recently but they did for some reason.

[scryimg] Haakon, Stromgald Scourge [/scryimg]

Haakon, Stromgald Scourge from Coldsnap up 35% now $8.74 from $6.44. Because Knight hype.

[scryimg] Sword of Fire and Ice [/scryimg]

Sword of Fire and Ice from Modern Masters up 24% now $109.99 from $88. As if $88 wasn’t high enough, this card’s price has been steadily climbing each week ever since SFM was unbanned.

[scryimg] Mox Opal [/scryimg]

And lastly, Mox Opal from MM2 up 23% now $129.99 from $105.55. Oof! It’s that darn 4c Whirza deck right now causing this madness.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for this week folks! Keep your eye out for my Top 5 Picks article later this week. Follow me on Twitter @MadMagic10 as the spoilers roll out and what is going on with Garruk‘s pre-order price?!? From $30 to $250?… Might be a listing error or just a skewed median price due to a low frequency of vendors… And I really hope this +16,533% on Bristling Boar plummets in days to come so I don’t have to report on it next week.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*