‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Coming at you with this week’s MTGStocks analysis, let’s dig in:

[scryimg] Dulcet Sirens [/scryimg]

Dulcet Sirens from C14 up 700% now 6.00$ from 0.75$ (Making you’re opponent’s big scary creature attack someone else at the table is pretty nice and it has morph so people are willing to pay big bucks to jam it into Kadena decks right now (currently the second most played Commander in the format according to EDHREC).

[scryimg] Sudden Substitution [/scryimg]

Sudden Substitution from C19 up 614% now 15.00$ from 2.10$ (Thank @Tolarian Community College for causing this card’s price to spike because it was featured in a video.)

[scryimg] Wolrdgorger Dragon [/scryimg]

Worldgorger Dragon from EMA up 296% now 7.75$ from 1.95$ (My guess is Reanimator decks in Legacy? 🤷🏻‍♀️)

[scryimg] Gibbering Descent [/scryimg]

Gibbering Descent up 235% now 4.63$ from 1.38$ (Cool card with some sweet art and only one printing. It has Madness so you know people are climbing over each other to get their copy for Anje decks.)

[scryimg] Godsire [/scryimg]

Godsire from Shards of Alara up 221% now 32.73$ from 10.17$ (Oooooie! Godsire is back at it again this week and golly 32$ is a hefty price to pay for this dude (or dudette?) if you have plans of playing it in your Ghired or Mayael deck.)

[scryimg] Gideons Company [/scryimg]

Gideon’s Company up 150% now 2.50$ from 0.99$ (Strange spike because it isn’t seeing any play right now and looking at the graph it’s crashing back down… So I’m not sure whats going on here. 🤷🏻‍♀️)

[scryimg] Empowered Autogenerator [/scryimg]

Empowered Autogenerator up 142% now 9.12$ from 3.75$ (Welp, that didn’t take long. I hope you bought you’re copy three weeks ago for 4$ when they were at their all time low after the pre-order hype died down. If you haven’t, 7.74$ shipped on TCGPlayer right now still isn’t a bad deal either for a card I could see being worth worth as much as 40$ some day. It has the potential. People were paying 10$ for Thran Dynamo in the past and Autogenerator has wayyy more potential. Don’t snooze on it!)

[scryimg] Ice-Fang Coatl [/scryimg]

Ice-Fang Coatl up 129% now 7.00$ from 3.05$ (SEE!?!? I was literally just writing about this card in yesterday’s article and how it could become a 7$ card lol. How perfect of a prediction can I make? Anyways, one of my little birds told me of a hot new deck in Modern right now that might have something to do with it: 4c Snow Control going by the name “iceBURG Control” which I think is pretty clever and is pretty *cool*.

[scryimg] Sword of Light and Shadow [/scryimg]

And lastly, Sword of Light and Shadow from MM1 up 108% now 75$ from 35$ (We already discussed last week how all the Swords of XYZ shot up in price because of SFM and this one was just a little late to the party.)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Have a good Labor Day! 🙂

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*