‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m back from MagicFest HogaakFest Las Vegas and ooh doggy was it crazy! Today’s stock article is going to be a little longer than usual because I just have so much to talk about. It occurred to me while I was at the event that I was at a very special place at a very special time. I got to bear witness to Magic history. Much like Necropotence creating what was called “Black Summer” or with Eye of Ugin and “Eldrazi Winter” these were periods in time that players remember vividly as being a part of. Similar to 9/11 we are able to think back to that exact date and time and remember how we felt, what we had for breakfast that morning, the color the sky was, and the shoes we wore on that day. Magic players will remember their heavily warped anti-graveyard sideboards, grindy Hogaak mirror matches that went to time, and complaining about how broken the deck was between matches. There was also this sort of “naughty” excitement about the deck because everyone knew the deck was going to get banned on Monday and that this was the last chance for players to sleeve up the most busted deck in Modern. This wasn’t you’re average Grand Prix. I was taking part in one of Magic’s most important moments in history. I was there; it was Hogaak Summer.

While I was in Vegas I ate Tacos El Gordo every day I was there. Literally every day… I spent over 80$ on adobada tacos. Ran into friends I’ve made traveling the country playing at GP’s and FNM’s. Met a girl 😏 Got to swim in the pool at our fleabag hotel (never gets hot enough on the Oregon coast for pools). Went 5-3 in the main event losing my 8th round to classic Affinity which ran 4x Chalice of the Void in the MAIN DECK 😡 (I don’t blame him though with how many Phoenix decks that were there). Kept a Magical Christmas land opening hand game 2 against my Burn mirror opponent that was 2x Inspiring Vantage, 2x Kor Firewalker, and 3x Lightning Helix (easy mode free win) and I got *TRIPLE* Cabal Therapy‘ed by my Dredge opponent turn 2 (left me Hellbent) in the Legacy MCQ 😢 Made some bonehead misplays and I also did make some IQ 1000 genius plays. Finally got to meet and chat with the second partner of one of the coolest sleeve companies in the game ( @jared_trimboli ) in person. I leave GP Vegas 2019 feeling pumped and excited for the future of Magic, my articles, and writing for such an awesome company. #feelingblessed

Now! Time for the part all you have been waiting for: my MTGStocks analysis. *Today will be a mix of % changes over the past week and in the last 24 hours.*
[scryimg] Fastbond [/scryimg]
Fastbond from Revised (Reserved List) up 202% now 28$ from 9.43$ (Fresh off the restricted list this card’s price spiked because people are excited to do some degenerate things with it in Vintage (it was restricted for a reason…).)
[scryimg] Batterskull [/scryimg]
Batterskull from New Phyrexia up 161% now 46.99$ from 17.80$ (Obviously on today’s list as a result of the Stoneforge Mystic unban.)
[scryimg] Storm Cauldron [/scryimg]
Storm Cauldron from 6th Ed. up 121% now 5.99$ from 2.71$ (This card was mentioned weeks ago and is back again for the same reasons.)
[scryimg] Stoneforge Mystic [/scryimg]
Stoneforge Mystic from Worldwake up 98% now 74.01$ from 37.34$ (Fresh off the Modern Banned List everyone is losing their minds. I could have made a small fortune selling SFM as it would start to spike in the days leading up to B&R announcements and for Wizards to be like: “no changes”. The price of SFM would tank as people lost hope and you could swoop in and pick them up on the cheap. Well, it finally happened: SFM finally came off the banned list. Not to mention, SFM was played all over Legacy in various Stoneblade decks and D&T.)
[scryimg] Sevinnes Reclamation [/scryimg]
Sevinne’s Reclamation from C19 up 90% now 11.00$ from 5.77$ (A sweet Commander card that’s still pretty new and people are still starting to discover how good it is.)
[scryimg] Ixidor, Reality Sculptor [/scryimg]
Ixidor, Reality Sculptor from Onslaught up 50% now 29.99$ from 19.99$ (Back again this week and up another 10$. Being played in Kadena EDH decks.)
[scryimg] Kolaghans Command [/scryimg]
Kolaghan’s Command up 45% now 18.20$ from 12.49$ (Are we already seeing counter price spikes? Could this be an anticipatory answer to SFM decks? K. Command is a pretty gnarly 2-for-1 against Humans (it blows up Vial and kills most of their dudes) and against SFM, it kills her and the artifact she cheats out.)
[scryimg] Sword of Feast and Famine [/scryimg]
Sword of Feast and Famine from Mirrodin Besieged up 69% now 69.99$ from 41.26$ (Spiked today for the same reason Batterskull did. Kind of cool how each of the swords can be played as 1-of’s in Stoneforge decks and you’re able to tutor up the right sword silver bullet to give your dude protection from the particular color you’re matched up against.)
[scryimg] Sword of Fire and Ice [/scryimg]
Sword of Fire and Ice from Darksteel up 33% now 79.88$ from 60.00$ (Yet another sword for SFM to tutor up.)
[scryimg] Sword of Sinew and Steel [/scryimg]
Sword of Sinew and Steel up 20% now 9.12$ from 7.59$ (See above.)
[scryimg] Sword of Truth and Justice [/scryimg]
Sword of Truth and Justice up 13% now 12.42$ from 10.94$ (See above.)
[scryimg] Sword of War and Peace [/scryimg]
Sword of War and Peace from New Phyrexia up 7.5% now 21.50$ from 19.99$ (See above.)
[scryimg] Cabal Coffers [/scryimg]
Cabal Coffers from Planechase up 14% now 59.89$ from 52.14$ (Reprint this thing already Wizards! If I had a nickel for every time I saw this card creep up in price I would have enough money to actually buy one…)
[scryimg] Chalice of the Void [/scryimg]
Chalice of the Void from MM1 up 12% now 78.61$ from 70.00$ (Was a major role player recently in the Phoenix rich Hogaak meta. With the recent Faithless Looting ban, I’m willing to bet we will see the price of this card drop in the coming weeks as the demand for Chalice begins to decline.)
[scryimg] Wrenn and Six [/scryimg]
Wrenn and Six up 10.9% now 99.99$ from 90.00$ (Welp, ren6 finally did it. It hit 100$ and I don’t own any 😢 This card is crazy not just because it has redefined Modern Jund but because how much it’s played in Legacy. Chances are: if there is room to jam ren6 in your deck, Legacy players are going to do it.)
[scryimg] Force of Negation [/scryimg]
Force of Negation up 9.69% now 38$ from 35$ (Three bucks don’t seem like much in terms of gains but it’s this exact slow creep I was talking about weeks ago. This will be at least a 50$ card if not more unless it sees a reprint to alleviate the pressure of demand. I would be buying a set *right now* if I didn’t have to buy these shocks and springs for my race car instead before the rainy season comes. This card is good and already sees a butt-ton of play all over Legacy (which should tell you something). I’ve spoken to my expert Legacy informant and confidant and give it time, this card is only going to go up in price. People in Modern just don’t realize it’s power yet.)
[scryimg] Dreams Grip [/scryimg]
Dream’s Grip from Mirrodin up 428% now 2.06$ from 0.39$ (Because of the new Twiddle Storm deck in Modern.)
[scryimg] Pyramids [/scryimg]
Pyramids from Arabian Nights (Reserved List) up 355% now 300$ from 65$ (Reserved List buyout I’m guessing.)
[scryimg] Aphetto Runecaster [/scryimg]
And lastly, Aphetto Runecaster up 227% now 6.13$ from 1.87$ (More people wanting to do cool “flip face-up” Morph things in Commander.)
Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! It’s not rocket surgery, basically, every Sword of XYZ (except for Sword of Body and Mind…) was on the list today as a result of Stoneforge Mystic. How about them bans though?!?! Keep an eye out for my upcoming ban analysis article coming soon! Thanks for tuning in! ❤️🤗❤️

P.S. I wasn’t joking the other day about the Mickey Mouse shirt that I was going to wear to the event 🤣🤣🤣
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last 24 hrs/week. Source: MTGStocks.com*