‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Did ya’ miss me after last week’s no post? Nah, probably not (I’m just narcissistic and conceited like that :P) So now that preorder season is pretty much over, we actually have a handful of cards to analyze and discuss! Here they are:
[scryimg] Spawn of Mayhem [/scryimg]
Spawn of Mayhem up 260% now 9.98$ from 2.76$
Alright, this is a card I can get behind and a love story if turned movie I’d pay to go see. For one I’ve always liked this card and (along with others) have felt it was underrated. Rakdos Aggro came out of the gate swinging this week as ELD cards became playable online and we got our first Standard League results. When entering into an unknown meta where people are still testing with and trying out new cards it’s always a safe bet to K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) and put your money on a tried and true strat like aggro. Here, Rakdos didn’t fail to impress putting up a 5-0 finish and an 8th place finish @ Fandom Legends four days ago. Keep an eye on Rakdos cards like Rix Maadi Reveler (if there is more of a midrange build), Stormfist Crusader, Judith (if aristocrats makes a comeback), and Rotting Regisaur. Also, you know what I love? Checking MTGGoldfish and finding comments like this from seven months ago. Good job dude. Trust your instincts!

[scryimg] Knight of the Ebon Legion [/scryimg]
Knight of the Ebon Legion up 59% now 6.86$ from 4.30$
I may have mentioned this card during my M20 set review or Tweeted about it but if I didn’t, I should have because I distinctly remember being impressed. This card has a lot of things going on for a 1-drop. What I like most about it is that it has flood insurance by giving you an outlet to dump you’re excess mana into and helps smooth your curve in case you miss your 3-drop you can just pump this dude instead. Obviously part of the new Rakdos Aggro deck in Standard right now alongside Spawn of Mayhem is why we see it on the list today.
[scryimg] Mox Amber [/scryimg]
Mox Amber up 58% now 6.86$ from 4.30$
Played in the Paradoxical Outcome version of Urza right now. The deck is looking to dump a bunch of 0 cost artifacts and draw all the cards after it plays a Paradox. I’ve seen the deck in action (while everyone was hot on the Whirza version) and I must say it’s pretty cool to see it go off. Mox Amber despite its caveat is still a mythic rare at the end of the day which has a bearing on its price even if it’s only played as a 1-of in most builds.
[scryimg] Bedlam [/scryimg]
Bedlam from 7th Ed. up 54% now 3.40$ from 2.20$
The card is hilarious in the Marisi, Breaker of the Coil EDH deck. Oh, and it’s been a staple in most Grenzo decks for some time now. I’ve even seen it played in creature-less Mogis before for the lulz. Embrace the chaos, play this card, and revel in the glorious slugfest that breaks out.
[scryimg] pixie queen [/scryimg]
Pixie Queen from Legends [Reserved List] up 24% now 23$ from 19.13$
First things first. That. Art. Is. Awesome! With that out of the way, it’s just a Reserved List card doing Reserved List card things…
[scryimg] oko, thief of crowns [/scryimg]
Oko, Thief of Crowns up 17% now 31$ from 26$
Up this week because it’s actually seeing play in Urza combo decks right now turning astrolabes into 3/3 elk and it’s +2 giving you more artifacts to bounce to Paradox. Pretty clever.
[scryimg] saheeli rai [/scryimg]
And lastly, Saheeli Rai up 16% now 9.29$ from 7.98$
Not huge gains but, she is about 3 years old now and is due for some price creep after a long period of all-time-low. She got hit hard when her kitty cat Felidar Guardian got banned during Standard, she rotated falling even further, flat-lined at about 4.50$ for a solid 2 years even with her fringe use in 4c combo decks, and now she is on the upswing with people jamming her into all sorts of crazy 4c nonsense like 4c Urza Combo(s), 4c Niv-Mizzet Reborn, 4c Superfriends, and just straight up Jeskai Copycat Combo.
Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! (Man it feels good getting to say that again.) Stay tuned for my next article on How Prices Work. I’m excited about this weekend, vendors can start shipping out preorder cards, and I should have my pieces for RDW in Standard soon. Thanks for tuning in! 🤗
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.
*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source: MTGStocks.com*