‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I survived my weekend in Fresno and now I have a hot minute to sit down and explore all the features on my new Facebook page as well as the website. Here is a quick “All Time Low” for you guys now that Modern Horizons has released and prices have begun to settle (and still settling).

On Wednesday, June 19, 2019…

Gideon Blackblade hit $13.00

[scryimg]Gideon Blackblade[/scryimg]

Ugin, the Ineffable hit $5.48

[scryimg]Ugin, the Ineffable[/scryimg]

Rishadan Port from Masters 25 hit $18.54 (Building Legacy D&T is looking really tempting right about now.)

[scryimg]Rishdan Port[/scryimg]

Serra the Benevolent hit $12.29

[scryimg]Serra the Benevolent[/scryimg]

Unbound Flourishing hit $8.59 (Still appears to be dropping actually. I’d wait a minute for it to flat-line before you pick up a copy.)

[scryimg]Unbound Flourishing[/scryimg]

Echo of Eons hit $14.00

[scryimg]Echo of Eons [/scryimg]

Morophon, the Boundless hit $12.63 (Unless this card sees a reprint, it’s going to be a Commander treasure for years and years to come. The fact that it makes every tribe playable in Commander makes it super valuable.)

[scryimg]Morophon, the Boundless[/scryimg]

Sword of Sinew and Steel hit $13.72 (Depending on how much this sword sees play it could be a 30-50 dollar card much like Feast and Famine and Fire and Ice. Worst case scenario it ends up like Body and Mind and you break even.)

[scryimg] Sword of Sinew and Steel [/scryimg]

Mox Tantalite hit $9.95 (OK, I’m not going to say this card is useless but I’m having a really hard time seeing this card ever being worth more than a couple of bucks. Unless someone finds a niche deck that breaks it, I expect the price to continue to fall until then.)

[scryimg]Mox Tantalite[/scryimg]

The First Sliver hit $26.97 (It might drop a little bit more in price because people are still cracking packs but I feel like this might be the lowest we are going to see it. Unless Sliver cult members seek psychiatric help I don’t foresee the demand for all things Sliver decreasing any time soon. Just look at the prices of other Sliver generals… You have been warned.)

[scryimg]The First Sliver[/scryimg]

Silent Clearing hit $12.99 (If I had the money right now I’d be scooping these up left and right. Yeah, sure, comparing these to the OG Horizon Canopy isn’t exactly apples to apples but Horizon Canopy is still a $60 card even after two reprints. I feel like 13 buckaroonies is too low of a price for this card.)

[scryimg]Silent Clearing[/scryimg]

Hall of Heliod’s Generosity hit $5.00 (First of all: Whoever named this card sucks. With that out of the way, I’m also really liking this card as a spec right now for only 5 bucks. Look at Academy Ruins. Again, not exactly apples to apples but this card has to potential to be 20-30 dollars if the conditions are right.)

[scryimg]Hall of Heliod's Generosity[/scryimg]

Archmage’s Charm hit $5.00

[scryimg]Archmage's Charm[/scryimg]

Overgrown Tomb from RTR hit $6.86

[scryimg]Overgrown Tomb[/scryimg]

Through the Breach from Ultimate Masters hit $10.19 (Oof! And to think, the CHK printing used to be a 70 dollar card at one point.)

[scryimg]Through the Breach[/scryimg]

Glimpse the Unthinkable from RAV hit $7.59 (Also a card that used to be 40 dollars at one point. The impact of reprints <3)

[scryimg]Glimpse the Unthinkable[/scryimg]

Gaddock Teeg from Ultimate Masters hit $7.47 (The no-fun Kithkin king used to be 60 dollars for the Lorwyn printing.)

[scryimg] Gaddock Teeg [/scryimg]

And lastly, Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God hit $18.82

[scryimg] Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God [/scryimg]

Welp, that’s all for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices in USD. Source:*