‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! It’s that time of the year again… SPOILER SEASON! So here I go again by acting like I know what I’m doing/talking about and I’m going to ramble off some cards that tickle my fancy.
*As always: The cards that I’ve picked are not always or necessarily the best and most powerful cards in the set. These are just cards that I like for one reason or another whether it be for competitive Modern purposes, silly Pauper shenanigans, or I’m just excited to Draft it.*
**Also I’m not limiting myself to a set number of cards this time simply because there are just so many fun cool cards I wish to mention/discuss.**
[scryimg] vadrok, apex of hunger [/scryimg]
Vadrok, Apex of Hunger ~ This is the only Apex creature that could see competitive play. A bigger Jeskai version of Snapcaster Mage kinda and cheaper 3 color version of Goblin Dark-Dwellers that doesn’t force you to exile the card you replay.
[scryimg] flame spill [/scryimg]
Flame Spill ~ This card is VERY cool. Not because of what it does but what it represents in terms of design space moving forward. WotC has mentioned before that they used products like Unstable and the test cards from the Mystery Booster packs to field test new designs and ideas that someday could become real cards. Me personally, I love seeing spells like Lightning Bolt gain the ability to have deathtouch, trample, lifelink, etc. Let alone have a 4 damage burn spell have built in trample essentially is really cool.
[scryimg] lead the stampede [/scryimg]
Lead the Stampede ~ Such an amazing card for Pauper Elves. The card might as well read: “Pay 2R and draw 5 dudes.” The card is pure gas and now it’s Pioneer legal!
[scryimg] kinnan, bonder prodigy [/scryimg]
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy ~ Card seems really powerful. It obviously ramps your mana while having a built in payoff option. Might see some Standard play, I can’t think of a Modern home for it off the top of my head but it will for sure be playing in Commander. I do love me some Mayael and this is a Simic version of her pretty much.
[scryimg] ram through [/scryimg]
Ram Through ~ A sweet upgrade for a pet deck of mine (remember Mono Green Aggro in Pioneer?) well I think this will be replacing the Trash half of Thrash//Threat in that deck because of cards like Avatar of the Resolute and Ghalta.
[scryimg] unpredictable cyclone [/scryimg]
Unpredictable Cyclone ~ This card just looks like so much fun to play! I want to build a meme deck with it in Modern. And it might actually be viable in Standard… I mean Rx Pyromancer’s Goggles was a real deck that put people into the top 8 at events, so there is hope for a big derpy 5 mana permanent.
[scryimg] whisper squad [/scryimg]
Whisper Squad ~ Idk what it is about this card (or *cards*) but I love it. Great flavor, unique Squadron Hawk-esque ability, Pauper playable, and could be really fun in draft. Just a cool little card with cool art to boot! Gives me Mad Max + Tusken Raider-y vibes.
[scryimg] anticipate [/scryimg]
Anticipate ~ Similar to cards like Shock, Dead Weight (which also got a reprint in this set w/ awesome art by Kev Walker), Lightning Strike, Duress, Tormenting Voice, etc. These are cards that I like to see get reprints frequently enough to keep them in Standard rotation 247 basically and when I do it’s a sigh of relief.
[scryimg] hunted nightmare [/scryimg]
Hunted Nightmare ~ Pretty scary card in Mono Black Aggro in Pioneer. MBA already has the best removal so giving your opponent’s dude deathtouch isn’t all that relevant when it’s just either dead or unable to block due to menace… Also just cool because the card gives a little nod/pays homage to a long legacy of “Hunted” cards that benefits your opponent when you play them in attempts to offset grossly under-costed creature you got out of the deal.
[scryimg] luminous broodmoth [/scryimg]
Luminous Broodmoth ~ As soon as I saw this card last we I knew it was busted with Solemnity (and later Suncleanser from M19…). It just had all the right ingredients for making some busted infinite combo. Sure enough the next day Solemnity spiked lol.
[scryimg] titanoth rex [/scryimg]
Titanoth Rex ~ aka T-Rex if it sees constructed play. A bunch of people have discussed this being viable in Modern Living End and I say “eh”. We already have Archfiend of Ifnir which I don’t even play because it’s too slow for my taste and would rather have another 1 mana cycler to put in the graveyard to put more power on board turn 3 if I have to LE early against aggro. I might try it as a 2-of just to test it but I don’t have high hopes for a 2 mana cycler that is in the most difficult color for LE to cycle (LE is mostly a RB deck splashing G for Violent Outburst and Beast w/ In…). I’m still going to order a playset of foils once they drop below a dollar like I did with Desert Cerodon just in case though.
[scryimg] generals enforcer [/scryimg]
General’s Enforcer ~ Gah, I hate Humans so much. It’s just such an annoying match-up and this adds to the thorn in my side that is Thalia. Now I have to spend 4 mana total (remember I play Burn so think 2x Lightning Bolts) to kill a Thalia if this dude manages to get on board. Just the thought makes me make the Charlie Brown, “Aaugh!” 😭😭😭
[scryimg] the ozolith [/scryimg]
The Ozolith ~ Such a freaking cool card! There is so much fun stuff you can do with it. Ensoul Artifact after you’ve made it scary huge… Move loyalty counters from one Gideon to another if one becomes a dude and dies… Doubling Season with any kind of counter… Just so many ways this card is going to be dumb/awesome.
[scryimg] rooting moloch [/scryimg]
Rooting Moloch ~ In Draft this is going to be awesome for the Cycling deck. It’s like if Gravedigger was red, hit the gym, and had a 4/4 body. If you draft often you know Gravedigger is quasi first pick-able (sometimes is straight up first pick-able if your rare is dog poop and there isn’t a Doom Blade in the pack). Rooting Moloch also has the added bonus of being able to cycle itself to help keep you on curve.
[scryimg] colossification [/scryimg]
Colossification ~ This is such a Johnny & Timmy card. 10 year old Timmy is tugging on his mom’s shirt begging her to buy him the big dumb dollar rare in the glass display case at the card shop and 35 year old Johnny is, well, doing the exact same thing lol 😛
[scryimg] fiend artisan [/scryimg]
Fiend Artisan ~ Okay, there has been a lot of hype about this card. It’s like if you smooshed Tarmogyf (more like Boneyard Wurm) and Birthing Pod together (kinda). Mainboard this will die to Bolt unless you have a few dudes in the GY and will always die when a Push is pointed at it no Revolt required which is more “fair” than Pod was game 1. It’s a mythic rare for a reason: it’s really good (Pod is banned for a reason). Which is scary because I don’t want to see Kiki-Pod 2.0 in Modern. All we can do is wait and see 😟.
[scryimg] sprite dragon [/scryimg]
Sprite Dragon ~ Another scary 2 mana creatures. It’s a better version of prowess pretty much stapled to a fragile 1/1 when it first starts out (which can be played around if you’re afraid of bolt…). What deck(s) will play this? Any decks that was already playing Stormchaser Mage pretty much.
[scryimg] keep safe [/scryimg]
Keep Safe ~ Any thing that cantrips is always worth consideration not to mention it’s Pauper playable. Mono U Tron comes to mind actually as it’s a way to protect your Tron lands from things like Stone Rain etc.
[scryimg] narset of the ancient way [/scryimg]
Narset of the Ancient Way ~ Or as I like to call her Hitmonlee. C’mon look at that high kick! Am I wrong??? Anyways, this card has really grown on me. Her +1 does what you would expect a Jeskai walker to do but her -2 is what I really like. Now we have seen cards in the past like Nahiri’s Wrath where you discard a card and deal damage equal to the discarded card’s CMC which is fine but now you’re down a card. This does that but while looting instead and as a confidant of mine pointed out, let’s you turn ineffective counterspells into creature removal against creature heavy match-ups. I’m a fan 🙂
[scryimg] lurrus of the dream-den [/scryimg]
Lurrus of the Dream-Den ~ Oh my goodness this card has raised some controversy. Is it good? Is it bad? “The card sucks!” “It’s an auto-include in every Burn deck!” “RTFC!” etc. Quite hysterical actually… Anyways, I like the card I’m going to try it in Modern Boros Burn. I usually have a couple flex slots anyways and having a guaranteed 3 drop 3/2 Lifelink creature at my disposal if I give up one sideboard slot seems worth it. I’m brewing up (as bad as they might be) Rakdos Burn ideas by implementing Seal of Fire and Gonti’s Mechinations. With the new Modern Horizons lands like Sunbaked Canyon and Fiery Islet there might be enough of a consistent source of self-damage that Gonti’s Mech might not be a high top deck liability any more. Call me crazy but I’ve also considered throwing Dark Confidant into the mix if I’m splashing black and it gives access to things like Rain of Gore from the SB. Lurrus let’s me abuse things like Alpine Moon too. Against things like Tron not only do they need to find their Nature’s Claim for the Alpine Moon but they now need removal for Lurrus otherwise Alpine Moon will just keep coming back. Lurrus is a very interesting, very powerful, and the most exciting of all the companion cards. This might spur a whole new branch of Burn decks and possibly other new decks for that matter.
[scryimg] cunning nightbonder [/scryimg]
Cunning Nightbonder ~ Sweet card for Simic Flash. UU is a little rough on the mana base but the payoff is worth it against certain match-ups.
[scryimg] primal empathy [/scryimg]
Primal Empathy ~ Bomb card for draft if you decide to commit to those colors early. If you have ever played cards like Elemental Bond or even Season of Growth, they can slowly take over a game if left unchecked by generating incremental value over time. This does what Elemental Bond does but with gravy on top.
And now, the moment you have all been waiting for: The best card from the whole set…
[scryimg] almighty brushwagg [/scryimg]
ALMIGHTY BRUSHWAGG! OP GG! Flip a table and call the wambulance 😭🚑 because Brushwagg is back and he isn’t taking prisoners. Step aside and kneel before his majesty heathens. The only card to get banned before it was ever even printed.

Released only for collectors purpose. Yep, wish all you want but you will never know the poofy power that is the Brushwagg. #legend
Well, that about wraps it up for today folks! I know I didn’t mention the new Tri lands and that’s because I don’t know how I feel about them right now. They look pretty, I’m sure they will see play in Standard and *maybe* some play in Modern as 1-of’s in some slower mid-range and control decks but they aren’t really game changing… Other than that, yell at me and tell me which cards you think I missed or which ones I misread and think they do things that they don’t really do… lol 😛
And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.